主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 希望对大家有用
采购主题 希望对大家有用 
采购内容 标题: 希望对大家有用Dear SirPlease see the following information:>Message:>se tiverem pneus para o BRASIL, por um pre鏾 bom, me interesso, se puder tradusa para o Portugu阺, inclusive a medida 215-75/17,5, estou no BRASILInquiry products:The buyer indicated the following about his purchasing plans:- International standards met- expected order quantity:120 Kilograms - response deadline:25 January 2010 12:00 AM>Address: <A href="mailto:robertorodrigues-1@hotmail.com robertorodrigues-1@hotmail.com >Telephone: 071-9949-0161 WebSite Url: none >Buyer Email: 25348000 > robertorodrigues-1[free@buyer-31685]hotmail.com >Company Fax: 071-9949-0161