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采购主题 paper paler 
采购内容 标题: paper palerHello Owner, My name is Mr. Deron Todd and I'm inquiring about an order of Paper Baler, I want to know if you do have them in stock now or can order some specially for me.I will also like you to get back to me now with the price of the type of Paper Baler you have in stock now for sale if you don't have what i am inquiring about and below are the types of Paper Baler I'm inquiring about.>Rampack 40 Height 1.69mWidth .718m>Depth .570m>Weight 140kgPower Supply Single Phase 13ampCycle time 20 Seconds>Press Force 2 Tons>Noise Level 72 Decibels>Loading aperture 430 x 535mmBale Size 550 x 535 x 450mmDicom A650 mill sized baler>>>Please these are the types of Paper Baler i want to know if you can you send me an email with the prices on each of them so that i will get back to you with the one i want if i may also ask what types of credit card do you accept as payment and what is the card fee? I will wait to hear from you soon.Thank you and i will wait for your reply.Sincerely,>Mr.Deron Todd.>Email: Marcus Brown &lt;<A href="mailto:samrash187@gmail.com samrash187@gmail.com