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[欧洲买家] 新西兰进品商资料 |
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标题: 新西兰进品商资料以下为新西兰进口商资料,拿出来分享一下,希望可以帮到大家>>PLUMMER PNEUMATICS LTD Importers & Distributors of Compressors and Pneumatic Control Systems & Components. 11 Crooks Rd East Tamaki PO Box 259 075 Greenmount Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 274 3550 Free Phone: 0800 4 AIRWORK (0800 424 796) Facsimile: +64 +9 274 3551 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@compressors.co.nz sales@compressors.co.nz/ W0 w$ d$ |' G# X>0 q0 @% e* k9 r; p8 V) MPOWERON GENERATION LIMITED Importers & Distributors of SDMO Generating Sets. Installation & Servicing. 2M Edinburgh St Te Papapa PO Box 13247 Onehunga Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 636 0430 Facsimile: +64 +9 636 0450 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@powerongeneration.co.nz sales@powerongeneration.co.nz Website: www.powerongeneration.co.nz ; T; |) `7 Q, r5 Y+ X& v+ k1 @6 o7 X: k+ a8 ]) W>PRESTIGE APPLIANCES LTD: Importer & Dist of Whiteware Appliances 14 George Bourke Dr Mt Wellington Auck Private Bag 92610 Symmonds St Auckland Ph (09)259-1105 Fax (09)270-6327 email: <A href="mailto:prestige@kbg.co.nz prestige@kbg.co.nz >- A/ s* x* c2 c, u1 X$ \ L- `8 }. g- r7 gPRICE-LESS POTS (Pots More): Importers of Garden Pots 257 Ti Rakau Drive Pakuranga Auck Ph (09)273-7224 Fax (09)273-7224 email: <A href="mailto:potsmore@slingshot.co.nz6 potsmore@slingshot.co.nz6 L8 U O. R& {3 _! L( D9 h# Y, T>: v7 i- M% g8 ? U0 X! sPRICERIGHT PARTS & MACHINERY LTD: Machinery Importers, Hire and Service 7 Oak Road Manukau City Auck Box 97204 SAMC Ph (09)263-5198 Fax (09)262-3018 email: <A href="mailto:pricerightauckland@xtra.co.nz pricerightauckland@xtra.co.nz 1 ?" Y6 K4 \) w& {>! Y# E# p0 {9 X7 {PRO TOOLS LTD: Hand Tool Importers & Distributors 401a Cambridge Rd SH1 Box 11011 Hillcrest Hamilton Ph 0800-758-665 Fax (07)856-9057 email: <A href="mailto:ellison@ihug.co.nz ellison@ihug.co.nz$ k# v. G1 ]/ u+ m" R8 }% N9 t1 Y* w( DPRO WEIGH LIMITED We Specialise in Industrial Weighing Solutions with a Range of Manufactured & Imported Weighing Equipment 9/25 Airborne Rd Albany Box 35098 Browns Bay NEW ZEALAND.+64 +9 415 6500 Facsimile: +64 +9 415 6556 Email: <A href="mailto:craig@proweigh.co.nz craig@proweigh.co.nz Website: www.proweigh.co.nz6 k3 D( D; m8 X) ?, K" y: v) U( pPROCESS INSTRUMENTS LTD Importer and Wholesaler of Instrumentation and Engineering Products, Servicing of Temperature and Pressure Instruments. In house IANZ certification of Pressure and Vacuum Instruments. NZS/ISO/IEC 17025. 60 Stoddard Rd Mt Roskill PO Box 57 051 Owairaka Auckland NEW ZEALAND.. +64 9 620 4169 Facsimile: +64 +9 620-8253 Email: <A href="mailto:process@itl-pil.co.nz process@itl-pil.co.nz Website: www.processi.co.nz 0 C8 E F6 y/ G>; x [* @3 {$ C, f/ g' N: e5 e4 oPROFESSIONAL LIGHTING SERVICES LTD Importer, Distributor, Hirers of Motion Picture and Photographic Equipment. 66 Cook Street Auckland City PO Box 12 092 Penrose Auckland NEW ZEALAND.+64 +9 302 4100 Facsimile: +64 +9 302 4102 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@kelpls.co.nz sales@kelpls.co.nz Website: www.kelpls.co.nz: B2 F8 @9 M/ e. f2 `4 E* x- b/ }+ \9 |+ H4 c: L>PROTECTOR SAFETY SUPPLY Importers & Distributors of Safety Equipment 87 Kerrs Road Wiri Private Bag 94 036 South Auckland Mail Centre NEW ZEALAND.+64 +9 263 2980 FREEPHONE 0800-427-3428 Facsimile: +64 +9 263 2981 Website: www.protectorsafety.co.nz = PUMP ENGINEERS (NZ) LTD Industrial Pumps Importers and Distributors 33 Olive Rd Penrose PO Box 12102 Penrose Auckland NEW ZEALAND. +64 +9 571 3131 Free Ph 0800 494 533 Facsimile: +64 +4 566-0408 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@pumpengineers.co.nz sales@pumpengineers.co.nz Website: www.pumpengineers.co.nz >4 Q z+ m n9 q7 u) U+ f8 f# m P/ [9 r& j9 j9 E. gPUMP SOLUTIONS AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED Distributor & Importer of Pumps, Conveyors, Volumetric Feeders, Water & Waste Water Treatment Equipment, Sanitary Valves, Sanitary Fittings, Heat Exchanges, Votators, Dispersion Equipment, Ice Cream Equipment & Associated Equipment. 5 Paramount Drive, Henderson PO Box 79 200 Royal Heights Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 835 3331 Facsimile: +64 +9 835 3316 Email: <A href="mailto:info@pumpsolutions.co.nz info@pumpsolutions.co.nz. @( y( K( {! K' w( M8 J( q/ R/ v. c" q0 JQUADRANT WHOLESALE LTD: Importers of Home Decor Products & Giftware Ngamutawa Rd PO Box 849 Masterton Ph (06)378-6810 Fax (06)378-6815 email: <A href="mailto:office@quadrantwholesale.co.nz office@quadrantwholesale.co.nz 4 O0 f% P4 P! ~+ P- [+ o5 ]% |4 F7 h" \QUANTUM CHEMICALS LTD: Importer & Processor of Industrial Products 3rd Floor/272 Parnell Rd Box 37-481 Parnell Auck Ph (09)302-1075 Fax (09)302-1076 email: <A href="mailto:tony@quantumchemicals.co.nz tony@quantumchemicals.co.nz >9 V. D% W" E% {* s4 c4 F5 X9 q5 T8 w* d) w4 zRADIUM NZ LIGHTING: Comm/Indus/Domestic Lighting Wholesaler 1/27 Porana Rd Glenfield Box 101-670 NSMC Auck Ph (09)444-4873 Fax (09)444-4581 email: <A href="mailto:radiumnz@xtra.co.nz radiumnz@xtra.co.nz ! G: d2 e0 i* c+ l R# d, j: S Z+ b2 J4 o9 i) g9 W$ G>RAMSAY MCDONALD NZ LTD: Import Textile Knitting Machines 7a Ra Ora Drive East Tamaki Box 2200 Auckland Ph (09)274-0926 Fax (09)274-8058 email: <A href="mailto:rmcdnz@xtra.co.nz6 rmcdnz@xtra.co.nz6 l' G. M8 o& @6 W$ _/ B, t4 \. ~4 B' e/ e9 [8 |. KRENOLD NEW ZEALAND LTD Importers, Manufaturers of Mechanical Power Transmission, Chain, Hydraulic Components & Systems. 594 Rosebank Rd Avondale PO Box 19460 Avondale Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 828 5018 Facsimile: +64 +9 828 5019 Email: <A href="mailto:aksales@renold.co.nz aksales@renold.co.nz Website: www.renold.co.nz>, u0 N J( g5 O0 e9 A. L& k, W( A6 a2 @2 ~5 `; P& j% cRESTAURANT SUPPLY COMPANY LTD Importers and Distributors of Coffee, Chocolate and Beverage Vending Equipment 55 Depot St PO Box 10067 Rotorua NEW ZEALAND+64 +7 348 8430 Facsimile: +64 +7 347 1833 Email: <A href="mailto:foodequipment@xtra.co.nz foodequipment@xtra.co.nz + w: T; n4 |9 f8 v& O5 J- G5 H: d1 H' `7 f>RILEY ARTHUR D & CO LTD Importers & Suppliers of Electricity, Gas and Water Meters, Power Quality Specialist Apparatus and Hand-held Meter Reading Technology. 137 Thorndon Quay Wellington PO Box 3749 Wellington NEW ZEALAND+64 +4 472 7614 Facsimile: +64 +4 472 7658 Email: <A href="mailto:gmickell@adriley.co.nz gmickell@adriley.co.nz Website: www.adriley.co.nz9 o% l( [0 D- V9 }: w R>! j8 ^& B: ], R, v* P0 ?ROBOT COUPE (NZ) LTD: Importer & Wholesaler Suite 7 Hinemoa House 184 Hinemoa St Birkenhead Ph (09)419-7200 Fax (09)419-7201 email: <A href="mailto:heil@zip.co.nz heil@zip.co.nz>1 [" n X5 M; ~5 H9 j) K2 `# {5 A: P0 k% [RON ENRIGHT LTD Importers & Distributors, Trade Suppliers of Hand Tools, Electronic & Industrial Hand Tools, Soldering Iron Equipment, Technicians Tool Kits, ESD Products, Test Equipment, Liquid Dispensing Equipment via Hand - Semi- Automated or Robotic Systems. Shop 4/1 Robert St Ellerslie PO Box 11 244 Ellerslie 1131 Auckland NEW ZEALAND.. +64 +9 579 4984 Freephone 0800 330066 Freefax 0800 330099 Facsimile: +64 +9 525 2340 Email: <A href="mailto:ron@ronenright.co.nz ron@ronenright.co.nz Website: www.ronenright.co.nz = PROCESS INSTRUMENTS LTD Importer and Wholesaler of Instrumentation and Engineering Products, Servicing of Temperature and Pressure Instruments. In house IANZ certification of Pressure and Vacuum Instruments. NZS/ISO/IEC 17025. 60 Stoddard Rd Mt Roskill PO Box 57 051 Owairaka Auckland NEW ZEALAND+64 9 620 4169 Facsimile: +64 +9 620-8253 Email: <A href="mailto:process@itl-pil.co.nz process@itl-pil.co.nz Website: www.processi.co.nz >) P$ U* t3 J! n+ z% I% H( @+ y+ s4 B5 pPROFESSIONAL LIGHTING SERVICES LTD Importer, Distributor, Hirers of Motion Picture and Photographic Equipment. 66 Cook Street Auckland City PO Box 12 092 Penrose Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 302 4100 Facsimile: +64 +9 302 4102 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@kelpls.co.nz sales@kelpls.co.nz Website: www.kelpls.co.nz6 `8 K' @& I- k' t, h" ?% F) t* E+ d& P. p3 dPROTECTOR SAFETY SUPPLY Importers & Distributors of Safety Equipment 87 Kerrs Road Wiri Private Bag 94 036 South Auckland Mail Centre NEW ZEALAND. +64 +9 263 2980 FREEPHONE 0800-427-3428 Facsimile: +64 +9 263 2981 Website: www.protectorsafety.co.nz( `* |6 Q; D: S6 u4 ~5 K0 \9 @( D: W. B: S' `PUMP ENGINEERS (NZ) LTD Industrial Pumps Importers and Distributors 33 Olive Rd Penrose PO Box 12102 Penrose Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 571 3131 Free Ph 0800 494 533 Facsimile: +64 +4 566-0408 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@pumpengineers.co.nz sales@pumpengineers.co.nz Website: www.pumpengineers.co.nz 1 A9 T. n, [0 \- O3 e! M0 v4 ?2 b; w3 c* Z0 I9 ~>PUMP SOLUTIONS AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED Distributor & Importer of Pumps, Conveyors, Volumetric Feeders, Water & Waste Water Treatment Equipment, Sanitary Valves, Sanitary Fittings, Heat Exchanges, Votators, Dispersion Equipment, Ice Cream Equipment & Associated Equipment. 5 Paramount Drive, Henderson PO Box 79 200 Royal Heights Auckland NEW ZEALAND +64 +9 835 3331 Facsimile: +64 +9 835 3316 Email: <A href="mailto:info@pumpsolutions.co.nz info@pumpsolutions.co.nz# ~$ X' R8 c; w1 e, Y2 q5 G, n( e3 T8 L>QUADRANT WHOLESALE LTD: Importers of Home Decor Products & Giftware Ngamutawa Rd PO Box 849 Masterton Ph (06)378-6810 Fax (06)378-6815 email: <A href="mailto:office@quadrantwholesale.co.nz office@quadrantwholesale.co.nz 4 V4 H& `2 A# W>- J% j- W+ w0 w7 p! P: b. N# aQUANTUM CHEMICALS LTD: Importer & Processor of Industrial Products 3rd Floor/272 Parnell Rd Box 37-481 Parnell Auck Ph (09)302-1075 Fax (09)302-1076 email: <A href="mailto:tony@quantumchemicals.co.nz tony@quantumchemicals.co.nz >3 O* A# }+ r" C7 E, K' N4 o9 A- @! L! o. w>RADIUM NZ LIGHTING: Comm/Indus/Domestic Lighting Wholesaler 1/27 Porana Rd Glenfield Box 101-670 NSMC Auck Ph (09)444-4873 Fax (09)444-4581 email: <A href="mailto:radiumnz@xtra.co.nz radiumnz@xtra.co.nz ! L: w a. {( d5 }* N. ~$ |4 h6 D7 U2 q( U" IRAMSAY MCDONALD NZ LTD: Import Textile Knitting Machines 7a Ra Ora Drive East Tamaki Box 2200 Auckland Ph (09)274-0926 Fax (09)274-8058 email: <A href="mailto:rmcdnz@xtra.co.nz rmcdnz@xtra.co.nz# T+ h+ I8 v( \3 E# Q; L" n9 [& ]3 Q0 {' d6 y/ T, URENOLD NEW ZEALAND LTD Importers, Manufaturers of Mechanical Power Transmission, Chain, Hydraulic Components & Systems. 594 Rosebank Rd Avondale PO Box 19460 Avondale Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 828 5018 Facsimile: +64 +9 828 5019 Email: <A href="mailto:aksales@renold.co.nz aksales@renold.co.nz Website: www.renold.co.nz- B/ {5 I4 F, f% @2 ~4 [>>(