主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 [其他买家] plastic buyers
采购主题 [其他买家] plastic buyers 
采购内容 标题: plastic buyersContact person Email address Company Name Address Tel No. Fax No. Trade Messenger Account Interested Subject ContentGabriel Berardi <A href="mailto:comercial@delplas.es comercial@delplas.es "Delplas S.L.>Pol. Ind. Moncada III>C/Pla de Foios, no446113 Moncada (Valencia)Spain" Ms Julie Fawcett <A href="mailto:julie@sheactive.co.uk julie@sheactive.co.uk Sheactive London21 / 22 New Row ,United Kingdom 44-7971-029530 44-207-8368777 sheactive Aluminium Water Bottles 750 ml We are a womens sports retailer in the UK called sheactive and can be found on the web We are looking to make an initial purchase of around 1000 black aluminium water bottles with our logo written on them in pink and white.