主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 无私奉献个美国做库存的大买家
采购主题 无私奉献个美国做库存的大买家 
采购内容 标题: 无私奉献个美国做库存的大买家As previously mentioned, we are currently focused on trading excess or already manufactured finished goods, and not fresh production. >>We are most successful in trading in the following categories:a. Household products &amp; appliances>b. Furniture >c. Ceramic >>d. Garments >e. Footwear f. Kids Toys g. Kitchenware >>h. Sports Goods >i. Luggage >>j. Clothing Accessories>k. Pet products >l. Home textiles m. Decoration n. Stationery >o. Lighting > >Kindly let us know if you have finished product stocklots in any of above listed categories.>Please note that we only able to trade 100% first quality and US market appropriate merchandise.>>>Many thanks in advance. >><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 bbs.fobshanghai.com.v%c0r>Regards, >>Lina Kreymerman <FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 外贸,外贸论坛,福步,福步外贸,福步外贸论坛,FOB,FOB forum"|&amp;\>BHF International 214 west 39th Street >New York, NY 10018 >Tel: 212-764-3851 Fax: 212-764-3856><A href="mailto:source@bhfllc.com source@bhfllc.com>>顺便翻译成英文给大家:>像之前提过的,我们目前主要是做一些成品和 库存货物的贸易。而不是鲜活的商品。我们做的比较成功的行业包括下列一些:>1,家居用品和电器2,家具3,陶瓷制品4,服装>5,鞋类>6,儿童玩具>7,厨具>8,体育用品>9,行李箱10,服装配件>11,宠物用品12,家纺>13,装饰装潢用品14,文具15,灯饰>请告知我们你是否有以上这些产品的成品和库存>请注意我们只做100%一等质量的产品和适合美国市场的产品。有用到的朋友记得顶下贴<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/lol.gif" border=0 smilieid="12 <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/lol.gif" border=0 smilieid="12