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采购主题 服装买家汇总5 
采购内容 标题: 服装买家汇总551.(textiles and garments )Subject<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3 EMAND:服装标贴(印度) We are interested in importing Hea t Transfer paper Stickers for T Shirts of Man,Lady ,Children Size -Readyly available We also want to make stickers of our design We also want Heat Tran sfer Paper STickers for Undergarments, Hand(00.07. 18 )<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum)&amp;q4X9K!?>>Company Name: Marvel Gloves Industr ies>Name/Position: FAROOQ ABDULLAH>Phone: +91223422544>Fax: +91223424074Country: [I N] India>Address: 101,Mohamedali Road,Noor Pal ace,4th Fl,MUMBAI-400003>E-Mail: farooq@theoff ice.net>>Back to Top--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 'I.j8E3z52.(textiles and garments )Subject<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3 EMAND:黏胶纤维(巴基斯坦) We are interested in buying vi scose rayon filament yarn for the following. >133DTEX/25F BRIGHT ON CONE 167DTEX/25F BRIGHT ON CONE 278DTEX/50F BRIGHT ON CONE 333D TEX/50F BRIGHT ON CONE >500DTEX/75F BRI(00.07. 18 )>>>M. ILYAS MANGRANI(<A href="mailto:mangrani@sat.net mangrani@sat.net. pk)>>Back to Top<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 外贸,外贸论坛,福步,福步外贸,福步外贸论坛,FOB,FOB forum>>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------53.(textiles and garments )>Subject<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3 EMAND:地毯( 美国) >lOOKING FOR SUPPLIER TO IMPORT TO USA A XMINTER, WILTON TYPE OF CARPETS, FOR RESIDENTIAL A ND COMMERCIAL USE. (00.07.1 8 )>Contact: lina giglioCompany name: g iglio trading in>Country: United States>Ad dress:7065 state st. Huntington Park, California, 90255Email: <A href="mailto:L_GIGLIO@HOTMAIL.COM L_GIGLIO@HOTMAIL.COM>Phone: 1 323 314 0009>Fax: 1 323 598 4027Back to Top>>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->54.(textiles and garments )>Subject:DEMAND:混纺纱线(新加坡) >to buy 1x20FCL OE blended yarn ( cotton 45/Polyester 55)10's in cone with pig tail for Glove Knitting Purpose. We prefer from China, please quote best competitive price in FOB China p ort. (00.07. 18 )>>>KK Tan Enterprises Pte Ltd, 113 Eun os Ave. 3 Gordon Ind Bldg #05-18, Singapore 409838 , Singapore.Tel.: 65-7471858 Fax: 65-7438475 E-mail <A href="mailto:kktan333@netscapes.net kktan333@netscapes.net>Contact: Mr . Tan>>Back to Top>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->55.(textiles and garments )Subject:DEMAND:男装( 比利时) >We are looking to contact a manufactu res for Men`s Clothes not an Agent for 10.000 piec es of costumes or trousers &amp; jackets per month on a year contract . Location Bangladesh. Send your e mail for all relevant information (00.07.1 8 )>>>Contact: HERMAN WAEYEN>Email: vava.n <A href="mailto:v_sa@skynet.be v_sa@skynet.be>Company: VAVA N.V. / S.A.M ail: PELSERSTRAAT 3, MAASEIKPhone: +32(0)89/5 6.52.89>Fax: +32 ( 0 ) 89/56.29.65>>Back to Top-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->56.(textiles and garments )Subject:DEMAND:内衣( 印度) >We want to import hosiery goods, vests, briefs and ladies under garments made of cotton a nd also cotton hosiery cloth used for manufacturin g vests, briefs and ladies under garments. (00.07.1 8 )>>Contact: Mahesh Kumar Tel: +91 11 72660 21 Fax: +91 11 7269021Website: E-mail: shri <A href="mailto:krishana@mantraonline.com krishana@mantraonline.comBack to Top>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------57.(textiles and garments )>Subject:DEMAND:服装( 美国) Seeking manufacturer of women's, childr en's and some men's clothing. I provide fabric. (00.07.1 8 )<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 bbs.fobshanghai.com2r#S;]9E>>Contact: Christine BannTel: 713-988 -9184Fax: 713-541-6786 Cell:E-mail: ban <A href="mailto:n@skybiz.com n@skybiz.com<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none !w1])K9z UBack to Top>>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 福步外贸论坛是中国最大的专业外贸论坛,致力于打造全球最具人气、最实用的外贸社区。3_6d!u1]>58.(textiles and garments )>Subject:DEMAND:男装( 比利时) to contact manufactures for Men's Clo thes not an Agent for 10.000 pieces of costumes or trousers &amp; jackets per month on a year contract. Location Bangladesh. Send your email for all relev ant information (00.07.1 9 )>Company: VAVA N.V. / S.A., PELSERSTRAAT 3, MAASEIK 3680, BELGIUM. Tel.: +32(0)89/56.52.89 Fax: +32 ( 0 ) 89/56.29.65E-mail vava.nv_sa@s kynet.be , Contact: HERMAN WAEYEN>>Back to Top>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 5M4H)|-m59.(textiles and garments )Subject:DEMAND:男内衣 to buy 5,000 pieces of Polar Fleece Men's vest. full zip front, 2 zip pockets for USA custom er. Please email specs, photos and prices today (00.07. 19 )>><SPAN style="DISPLAY: none :O;u'pGUILFORD CAPITAL CORP., 500 Hillwood Ct. , Greensboro, NC 27410, USA. Tel.: 1 336 210-8326 Fax: 1 770 234-4024>E-mail guilfordcapitalcorp @visto.com , Contact: Mr. Wayne Hodges>>Back to Top>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->60.(textiles and garments )>Subject:DEMAND:尼龙线(泰国) Description WE WANT TO BUY NYLON &amp; P OLYESTER MONOFILAMENT YARNS 20D/1, 30D/1 (SEMI-DUL L). ALSO, WE WANT TO BUY RASCHEL NET FABRIC MADE W ITH MONOFILAMENT YARN THIS FABRIC END-USE IS TO MA KE RASCHEL LACES (00.07. 19 )>Company: RASANA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.&lt; BR&gt; Country: THContact: MR. R. SANGANERIATel: 662-6642030>Fax: 662-6642034Email: <A href="mailto:RASANA@IDN.CO.TH RASANA@IDN.CO.TH