标题: Inquiry for Raw Silk YarnMessage Content:>Dear Sir>We are glade to know you from your web site on the net.>We are Carpets Technical Company from Egypt and our mane business is hand made carpets and we import it from Iran and Pakistan and also from china.>And we interesting about viscose filament yarn material:1- Native silk yarn 50/702- Doppion silk 100/120>>3- silk yarn 353>>So we need the prices CIF Alexandria Egypt. And also if you have any stocks from any materials with good price.>Thanks and we are waiting for your early replay.Best regards,Marwan Moussa>G MCarpet Technical Company.7 Elmansourya Street Eldrassa Elgamalya Cairo Egypt>Tell: 00202 5890111 00202 5909343Fax: 00202 5919146><A href="mailto:carpetegypt@yahoo.com carpetegypt@yahoo.com