主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 无意中发现有公司名称,部分邮箱和网址,有合适的就拿去
采购主题 无意中发现有公司名称,部分邮箱和网址,有合适的就拿去 
采购内容 标题: 无意中发现有公司名称,部分邮箱和网址,有合适的就拿去R B Hilton Ltd. BHR 973- 17731881 17730640 <A href="mailto:caperbh@batelco.com.bh caperbh@batelco.com.bh >Raffa Construcion &amp; Maintenance Est. MAN 973- 17731475 17731791 <A href="mailto:rafco@batelco.com.bh rafco@batelco.com.bh >Raffa construction&amp; Maintenance Est MAN 973- 17731475 17731791 <A href="mailto:rafco@batelco.com.bh rafco@batelco.com.bh Real CAPITA B.S.C MAN 973- 17541144 17541155 www.realcapita.com <A href="mailto:eman@realcapita.com eman@realcapita.com >Redmack Industrial Services MAN 973- 17700370 17700376 <A href="mailto:remack@batelco.com.bh remack@batelco.com.bh Redmack Industrial Services (Bahrain) W.L.L. BHR 973- 17700370 17700376 <A href="mailto:redmack@batelco.com.bh redmack@batelco.com.bh Reemoon MAN 973- 17218414 17218415 www.reemoon.com > <A href="mailto:info@reemoon.com info@reemoon.com >Remax MAN 973- 17813666 17813660 www.remax.com <A href="mailto:remax@batelco.com.bh remax@batelco.com.bh >Riffa Views MAN 973- 17757999 17757990 www.riffaviews.com <A href="mailto:fmohamed@riffaviews.com fmohamed@riffaviews.com Riviera Pools MAN 973- 17714909 17714889 Rolanda Chocolates &amp; flower BHR 973- 17715158 17710141 <A href="mailto:ahmedqmalik@gmail.com ahmedqmalik@gmail.com >Royal Cleaning Establishment BHR 973- 17725355 17826532 >Royal Maintenance &amp; Contracting BHR 973- 17729662 17725563 Rozaneh BHR 973- 17553525 17553525 <A href="mailto:hassan2@batelco.com.bh hassan2@batelco.com.bh >Rumaihi Commercial &amp; Industrial Services W.L.L MAN 973- 17727200 17728990 <A href="mailto:rumaihi@batelco.com.bh rumaihi@batelco.com.bh Saberi Constrn. MAN 973- 17402717 17402707 <A href="mailto:saberim@batelco.com.bh saberim@batelco.com.bh >Saberi Construction MAN 973- 17402717 17402707 www.sabericonstruction.com <A href="mailto:saberi@saberconstruction.com saberi@saberconstruction.com >Sadiq Est. MAN 973- 17260033 1760022 <A href="mailto:raheel85@batelco.com.bh raheel85@batelco.com.bh Salah Al Medfa &amp; Partners MAN 973- 17532352 17532354 <A href="mailto:almadfa@batelco.com.bh almadfa@batelco.com.bh >Salman Fardan Trading BHR 973- 17251098 17270914 <A href="mailto:salmanfardan@yahoo.com salmanfardan@yahoo.com Sanorama MAN 973- 17251864 17271712 <A href="mailto:pepsi@batelco.com.bh pepsi@batelco.com.bh Sara Stonic Factory MAN 973- 17273052 17275864 <A href="mailto:sarmat@batelco.com.bh sarmat@batelco.com.bh Sarens Nass BHR 973- 17466486 17466396 www.sarens.com <A href="mailto:smeass@batelco.com.bh smeass@batelco.com.bh >Sarens Nass Middle East BHR 973- 17466486 17466396 www.sarens.com > <A href="mailto:smenass@batelco.com.bh smenass@batelco.com.bh >Sarmat W.L.L MAN 973- 17273052 17275864 <A href="mailto:sarmat@batelco.com.bh sarmat@batelco.com.bh >SARYA Parquet Flooring MAN 973- 17733055 17715780 <A href="mailto:sarya@batelco.com.bh sarya@batelco.com.bh Saudia Electrical Services BHR 973- 17246268 17273392 >Sayed Kadhem Al Durazi Group of Companies MAN 973- 17620672 17624116 <A href="mailto:skdgrp@batelco.com.bh skdgrp@batelco.com.bh Sayyar Trading W.L.L. MAN 973- 17290111 17290507 www.sayyar.com > <A href="mailto:sayyartd@batelco.com.bh sayyartd@batelco.com.bh >Season International Trading Co WLL MAN 973- 17736080 17737443 <A href="mailto:saeson@batelco.com.bh saeson@batelco.com.bh Securicor MAN 973- 17822228 17822255 <A href="mailto:securicor@batelco.com.bh securicor@batelco.com.bh >Securicore BHR 973- 17822228 17822255 <A href="mailto:securcor@batelco.com.bh securcor@batelco.com.bh >SEKA Ltd. MAN 973- 17233361 23318 <A href="mailto:sekaltd@batelco.com.bh sekaltd@batelco.com.bh Shafiq Glass &amp;Arts Frames Centre W.L.L. BAH 973- 17732091 17732093 www.safiqglass.com > <A href="mailto:info@shafiqglass.com info@shafiqglass.com Sheema Framing &amp; Gallery BHR 973- 17713235 17717694 www.sheemaframing.com sframing @batelco.com.bh >Sigma Paints BHR 973- 17703123 17703090 Silver Electro Plating &amp; Brass &amp; Stainless Steel Manufacturer BHR 973- 17784460 17785203 www.silverelectro-motorcycles.co > <A href="mailto:silver@batelco.com.bh silver@batelco.com.bh Silver Special Doors MAN 973- 17785255 17785203 <A href="mailto:silver@batelco.com.bh silver@batelco.com.bh Simplex Almoayyed W.L.L BHR 973- 17406446 17406464 <A href="mailto:simplex@almoayyedcg.com simplex@almoayyedcg.com >Smart Aluminium MAN 973- 17795934 17795924 Smart Cleaning Est. MAN 973- 17232410 17242623 Smart Security &amp; Safety MAN 973- 17555025 17555074 Speed Bird Projects Est. MAN 973- 17310014 17311966 >Sphinx Services MAN 973- 17700222 1700443 <A href="mailto:sphinx@batelco.com.bh sphinx@batelco.com.bh >Spicom Architectural Aluminium &amp; Glazing MAN 973- 17704241 17704243 www.spi-com.com > <A href="mailto:sales@spi-com.com sales@spi-com.com. Star Group Co. S.P.C MAN 973- 17242440 17273571 <A href="mailto:starbh@batelco.com.bh starbh@batelco.com.bh >Star Technical and Trading Services MAN 973- 17783780 17784569 <A href="mailto:startech@batelco.com.bh startech@batelco.com.bh >Strand Trading Est. BHR 973- 17230900 17271300 <A href="mailto:strandbh@batelco.combh strandbh@batelco.combh >Sulaiti Marine Buildings MAN 973- 17291367 17731447 www.sulaitimarine.com <A href="mailto:jsalaiti@batelco.com.bh jsalaiti@batelco.com.bh >Syscon Trading &amp; Mechanical Service Co.W.L.L MAN 973- 17224216 17224231 Tebodin Consultants &amp; Engineers BHR 973- 17700544 17700522 www.tebodin.com > <A href="mailto:tebodin@batelco.com tebodin@batelco.com The Bahrain Pest Control Company BHR 973- 17713408 17710727 >The Hashmi Engineering Works MAN 973- 17786662 17786860 >The Kingdom Group of Companies BHR 973- 17466776 17466811 <A href="mailto:info@thekingdom.biz info@thekingdom.biz The National Concrete Company W.L.L MAN 973- 17786665 17784184 www.almoayyed.com <A href="mailto:natconcr@batelco.com.bh natconcr@batelco.com.bh The National Concrete Company W.L.L. MAN 973- 17830626 17731178 www.nccbahrain.com > <A href="mailto:natmarin@batelco.com.bh natmarin@batelco.com.bh >Thermo Glass MAN 973- 17253411 17234423 www.alyusufgroup.com <A href="mailto:basim@alyusufgroup.com basim@alyusufgroup.com Touches of Furniture MAN 973- 17622616 17626545 www.lamasatf.com > <A href="mailto:lamasat@hotmail.com lamasat@hotmail.com >Trust Traders BHR 973- 17704144 17704188 www.trusttraders.com <A href="mailto:trust@batelco.com.bh trust@batelco.com.bh >Turk Heavy Transport MAN 973- 17700163 17700164 <A href="mailto:turk@batelco.com.bh turk@batelco.com.bh Turk Mechanical Industries Co.W.L.L BHR 973- 17700166 17701492 <A href="mailto:tminfo@turk.com.bh tminfo@turk.com.bh >United Electric MAN 973- 17214171 17214051 <A href="mailto:united@batelcom.com.bh united@batelcom.com.bh >Unity Real Estate MAN 973- 17728748 17727134 <A href="mailto:unity@batelco.com.bh unity@batelco.com.bh Unity Swimming Pool Services MAN 973- 17728748 17727134 <A href="mailto:unity@batelco.com.bh unity@batelco.com.bh Universal Aluminium Co WLL MAN 973- 17701900 17702600 www.ua-group.com <A href="mailto:unalco@batelco.com.bh unalco@batelco.com.bh >Universal Aluminium Company W.L.L BHR 973- 17701990 17792600 www.ua-group.com > <A href="mailto:uasales@batelco.com.bh uasales@batelco.com.bh >Universal Enterprises BHR 973- 17290303 17293818 www.unienter.com >Universal Rolling W.L.L MAN 973- 17467477 17467476 www.unirol.com > <A href="mailto:wael@unirol.com wael@unirol.com Verminex Pest Control MAN 973- 17280188 17280038 <A href="mailto:verminex@batelco.com.bh verminex@batelco.com.bh >Vision Security BHR 973- 17715651 17742840 <A href="mailto:vissec@batelco.com.bh vissec@batelco.com.bh Voltamp Switchgear Co. W.L.L MAN 973- 17735564 17735563 www.voltampswitchgear.com <A href="mailto:voltamp@batelco.com.bh voltamp@batelco.com.bh Woodland Properties MAN 973- 17291900 17295592 <A href="mailto:woodlandproperties@hotmail.com woodlandproperties@hotmail.com Y.K. Almoayyed &amp; Sons B.S.C. MAN 973- 17535060 17533249 www.almoayyed.com <A href="mailto:hormis@almoayyed.com.by hormis@almoayyed.com.by >Y.K. Almoayyed &amp; Sons B.S.C. (C) MAN 973- 17730698 17732294 www.almoayyed.com <A href="mailto:gopiks@almoayyed.com.bh gopiks@almoayyed.com.bh Yateem Oxygen BHR 973- 17400675 17400446 >Your Home Equipments Hiring MAN 973- 17233994 17232993 >Yousuf Akbar Alireza @ Sons MAN 973- 17230049 17258692 <A href="mailto:yalireza@batelco.com.bh yalireza@batelco.com.bh >Yusif Bin Yusif Fakhro BHR 973- 17408111 17406080 www.yyfakhro.com > <A href="mailto:ybyf@batelco.com.bh ybyf@batelco.com.bh >Zamil Coating &amp; Galvanizing MAN 973- 17700555 17700336 <A href="mailto:walzamil@batelco.com.bh walzamil@batelco.com.bh >Zarwan Fiber Glass Factory MAN 973- 17600144 17600273 <A href="mailto:zarwan@hotmail.com zarwan@hotmail.com Zarwan Fibreglass Factory BHR 973- 17600144 17600273 <A href="mailto:zarwan@hotmail.com zarwan@hotmail.com >Zayani Scaffolding MAN 973- 17737888 17737878 <A href="mailto:jazipd@batelco.com.bh jazipd@batelco.com.bh >Zen Tradg. &amp; Contracting Co.WLL MAN 973- 17225751 17224231 <A href="mailto:zen@batelco.com.bh zen@batelco.com.bh > Installux Gulf MAN 973- 17590589 17591589 <A href="mailto:installux@batelco.com.bh installux@batelco.com.bh Intercol Storage Solutions MAN 973- 17728691 17728412 www.intercol.com > <A href="mailto:service@intercol.com service@intercol.com >International Agencies Co. Ltd. MAN 973- 17728691 17728412 www.intercol.com > <A href="mailto:service@intercol.com service@intercol.com >INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES CO.LTD. MAN 973- 17728691 17728412 >International Metalizing &amp; Coating Wll MAN 973- 17786355 17786565 <A href="mailto:imcgulf@batelco.com.bh imcgulf@batelco.com.bh International Scaffoldings Co. W.L.L. BHR 973- 17772829 17779426 <A href="mailto:crystal03@batelco.com.bh crystal03@batelco.com.bh >J A Zayani &amp; Son WLL BHR 973- 17737888 17737878 <A href="mailto:jazipd@batelco.com.bh jazipd@batelco.com.bh >Jalal Schindler Lifts &amp; Escalators Co. W.L.L. BHR 973- 17714242 17717191 <A href="mailto:jalalsch@batelco.com.bh jalalsch@batelco.com.bh >Jassim Al Muttawa Showroom BHR 973- 17772841 17772040 <A href="mailto:kjalm806@batelco.com.bh kjalm806@batelco.com.bh Jassim Tradg. &amp; Agroserve MAN 973- 17701818 17701833 <A href="mailto:jassimt@batelco.com.bh jassimt@batelco.com.bh Jolly Traders MAN 973- 17274414 17274415 <A href="mailto:jollytraders@hotmail.com jollytraders@hotmail.com >Jotun Bahrain BHR 973- 17729311 17825641 www.jotun.com/me > >Kazerooni Building Products BHR 973- 17716466 17715010 <A href="mailto:kazcotg@batelco.com.bh kazcotg@batelco.com.bh Kazerooni contrg. WLL MAN 973- 17742595 17712184 <A href="mailto:kazcontg@batelco.com.bh kazcontg@batelco.com.bh Kewalaram &amp; Sons MAN 973- 17213110 17213211 www.kewalramandosons.com > <A href="mailto:kewlrams@emirates.net.ae kewlrams@emirates.net.ae