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标题: 最新求购信息,提供给大家分享,采购询盘标题:Boiler Machine (锅炉设备)>发布日期: 2010-01-14>过期日期: 2010-02-11 来自地区: 斯里兰卡 采购询盘内容: We require Boiler Machine if you are suppliers of the above goods, please send us details and information of >your products for our evaluation. I am looking forward hearing from you soon. 联系方式: 公司名称: Lanka Projects & technologies >地址: 12 Hampden lane, Colombo >电话: 94-777-7441850094 传真: 94-11-2503513 >Email: <A href="mailto:ganesh_di@yahoo.com ganesh_di@yahoo.com··························>>采购询盘标题:Want to buy Shirts (衬衫)>发布日期: 2010-01-13 >过期日期: 2010-02-11 来自地区: 美国 >采购询盘内容: We would like to buy Shirts. If you have any related information, please contact us soon. >联系方式: >>公司名称: Morex Enterprises, Inc. >地址: 1442 East Washington Blvd Los Angeles, United States 电话: 1-213-7474777 >传真: 1-213-7474780 >Email: <A href="mailto:majid@morexfabrics.com majid@morexfabrics.com>·································采购询盘标题:Nuts & Bolts (螺丝 工具方面)>发布日期: 2010-01-13 过期日期: 2010-02-11 >来自地区: 巴林 采购询盘内容: We need Stainless steel bolt, nut with flat washer. 20mm dia with 40mm and 60 mm long - 1000 sets each. Supplier can contact or mail for more details. 联系方式: 公司名称: Seven Seas 地址: Kingdom Of Bahrainmanamap. O. Box. 21486,Manama,Kingdom Of Bahrain 电话: 973-17-405199 >传真: 973-17-592293 Email: <A href="mailto:mail@bahrain.sevenseasgroup.com mail@bahrain.sevenseasgroup.com>>我的所有求购信息是非常真实可靠的,如果大家有心的话就会好好的把握,是否拿到订单那要看大家的努力咯。加油!!!>需要更多请加我:1151502658,告知主营产品的名称,希望能帮助大家。有一些不一定帮的上的,但是帮不上我也可以把我做好的介绍给你们,大家也可以做个朋友啊。