主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 [其他买家] 阿联酋公司信息
采购主题 [其他买家] 阿联酋公司信息 
采购内容 标题: 阿联酋公司信息别的网站上面发现的,转来跟大家分享,呵呵。。各取所需吧!我没联系过,不保证有效.>AL-MINHAL INTERNATIONAL (FZC) Real Estate &amp; Related Activities 06-5573575 06-5573576 <A href="mailto:abshaikh1@hotmail.com abshaikh1@hotmail.com >ALPA VISION (FZE) Genral Trading 04-3431903 04-3431901 <A href="mailto:ottavi@molinarilegal.com ottavi@molinarilegal.com ALPHA AVIA (FZC) Aircraft Leasing, Chartering &amp; Cargo Handling (Subject to approval of U.A.E's relevant authorities) 06-5581661 >ALPHA BETA TRADING (FZC) General Trading 06-5571621 06-5571631 <A href="mailto:alphafzc@emirates.net.ae alphafzc@emirates.net.ae ALPHA PALLETS (FZC) Manufacturing of Pallets &amp; Heat Treatment of Wood &amp; Related Products <A href="mailto:crtproducts@gmail.com crtproducts@gmail.com ALPHA RUBBER PRODUCTS (FZC) Manufacturing of Rubber &amp; Related Products 04-3472799 04-3473993 AL-RIAYA LILKHADAMAT AL-TIQANIYA Business Management Consultancy <A href="mailto:procare@gmx.net procare@gmx.net >AL-ROMAILAH TOWER GENERAL TRADING (FZE) General Trading 04-3331249 >AL-SADDIQ MARBLE &amp; GRANITE (FZE) Manufacturing &amp; Processing of Marble &amp; Granite &amp; Related Products ALTALLAH INTERNATIONAL (FZC) Manufacturing of Architecture Models &amp; Exhibition Display Products 06-5533277 06-5533677 <A href="mailto:altallah@emirates.net.ae altallah@emirates.net.ae ALTEC IPC Pvt. Ltd. (OPER. AS ALTEC MIDDLE EAST) Providing Information Technology Solutions &amp; Software Development 06-5573536 06-5573537 <A href="mailto:aamohd@altecme.ae aamohd@altecme.ae >ALTECH INTERNATIONAL (FZE) Importing, Exporting &amp; Distribution of Electronics, IT and Photographic Products 06-5571047 >ALTERNATIV (FZE) Aircraft Leasing &amp; Chartering (Subject to the Approval of Relevant U.A.E. Authorities) <A href="mailto:is.ae@alternativ.fr is.ae@alternativ.fr >ALTERNATIV (FZE) Freight Forwarding Services <A href="mailto:is.ae@alternativ.fr is.ae@alternativ.fr >ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FURNITURE MANUFACTURING(FZE) Manufacturing of Furniture for acadimic institutions 06-5388271 06-5388270 >ALTHAWABIT INTERNATIONAL,TRADING CO. LTD. Trading in Medical Equipment >AL-UKABI TRADING IMPORT &amp; EXPORT Genral Trading <A href="mailto:aliabdul202002@yahoo.com aliabdul202002@yahoo.com >ALWANI GARMENT INDUSTRIES (FZE) Production of Garments. 5572929 5572992 <A href="mailto:sunil@agi.ae sunil@agi.ae >AL-WEAM TRADING (FZC) Trading in Electrical/ Electronic Appliances &amp; Related parts. 06-5591973 06-5599214 <A href="mailto:musabtag@hotmail.com musabtag@hotmail.com AM ZONE INTERNATIONAL LTD. Trading in Stationary, Gift Items &amp; Office Equipment. 06-5570878 06-5570879 <A href="mailto:mohammed@scholavllc.com mohammed@scholavllc.com AM ZONE INTERNATIONAL LTD. Fabrication &amp; Assembly of Lifting &amp; Tackling Equipments. 06-5570878 06-5570879 <A href="mailto:mohammed@scholavllc.com mohammed@scholavllc.com AMALA GROUP (FZC) Providing Publishing Services (Subject to the Approval of Relevant U.A.E. Authorities) 06-5559295 06-5559378 <A href="mailto:prmenon@eim.ae prmenon@eim.ae >AMALTHYA INTERNATIONAL S.A.R.L. Trading in Industrial &amp; Semi- Industrial Raw Material &amp; Products. 06-5571531 06-5571532 <A href="mailto:amalthya@wanadoo.fr amalthya@wanadoo.fr AMANA CATERERS (FZE) Catering Services at SAIF-Zone Male Accommodation 06-5572989 06-5570915 AMANA FOOD STUFF (FZE) Food Stuff Catering Services >AMAX INTERNATIONAL (FZC) General Trading 06-5573011 06-5573013 <A href="mailto:amaxww@emirates.net.ae amaxww@emirates.net.ae AMB AVIATION LIMITED Trading in Aircrafts &amp; Related Spare Parts 06-5737467 06-5573049 <A href="mailto:gvun57@yahoo.com gvun57@yahoo.com AMBRE S. A. Liaison/Representative Office for Marketing &amp; Promoting Wristwatches. 06-5570891 06-5570892 <A href="mailto:jam_dubash@hotmail.com jam_dubash@hotmail.com >AMC - AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE CENTER (FZC) Trading in Aircraft Parts, Equipment &amp; Related Supplies 06-5570510 06-5570514 <A href="mailto:giras@eim.ae giras@eim.ae >AMC - AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE CENTER (FZC) Aircraft Leasing, Chartering, Repairs, Maintenance &amp; Cargo Services 06-5570510 06-5570514 <A href="mailto:giras@eim.ae giras@eim.ae AMCO GLOBAL MARKETING (FZC) General Trading 06-5571767 06-5571768 <A href="mailto:amco@emirates.net.ae amco@emirates.net.ae >AME INTERNATIONAL (FZE) Import / Re Export of Medical, Consumable Equipments and Medical and non-Medical Pharmaceuticals 06-5572718 06-5572719 <A href="mailto:ameint@emirates.net.ae ameint@emirates.net.ae >AMERICAN &amp; AFRICAN TRADING GROUP INC Trading in Footwear, Clothing &amp; Furniture. 06-5571890 06-5571891 <A href="mailto:aa1group@emirates.net.ae aa1group@emirates.net.ae >AMERICAN TRADING GROUP (FZC) General Trading AMEXX GLOBAL TRADING INC. General Trading <A href="mailto:info@amexxglobal.com info@amexxglobal.com AMFIELD (FZE) Trading in Textiles,Garments &amp; Related Products 04-2975010 04-2975020 <A href="mailto:azhar_shaik9@yahoo.com azhar_shaik9@yahoo.com >AMFIS MIDDLE EAST (FZE) Providing investments projects. 06-5286565 06-5286505 AMIDA GULF (FZE) Manufacturing &amp; Assembling of Gears &amp; Gear boxes 06-5573646 06-5573647 <A href="mailto:amida_4155@hotmail.com amida_4155@hotmail.com >AMIDA GULF (FZE) General Trading 06-5573646 06-5573647 <A href="mailto:amida_4155@hotmail.com amida_4155@hotmail.com AMIR TRADING (FZC) Import, Export &amp; Distribution of Textiles, Bed Sheets and Related Products. 06-5668179 >APPAREL CONNECTION LTD Import, Export &amp; Distribution of Ready Made Garments, Textiles &amp; Related Products. 06-5572061 06-5572063 APS GLOBAL (FZC) Business Consultatancy 04-3355377 04-3346460 <A href="mailto:haris@hullhatch.ae haris@hullhatch.ae APS GLOBAL (FZC) General Trading 04-3355377 04-3346460 <A href="mailto:haris@hullhatch.ae haris@hullhatch.ae >AQAR MIDDLE EAST (FZC) Consulting in Real Estate 04-2296191 04-2216158 AQSA INTERNATIONAL (FZC) Trading in Dairy Products &amp; Related Packaging Materials 5573559 5573558 <A href="mailto:aqsa-fzc@emirates.net.ae aqsa-fzc@emirates.net.ae >AQUATECH (FZE) Trading in Water &amp; Waste Treatment Equipment &amp; Related Parts &amp; Accessories. <A href="mailto:khurram@aquatech.com.pk khurram@aquatech.com.pk >AQUILINE INT'L CORP. LIMITED Import, Export &amp; Trading of Aircraft's Spare Parts &amp; Supplies. 06-5570710 06-5570495 <A href="mailto:aquiline@emirates.net.ae aquiline@emirates.net.ae >ARA GENERAL TRADING (FZE) General Trading >ARAB AFRICAN DISTRIBUTION CO.LTD Trading in Medical Equipments &amp; Related Suplies 06-5571794 06-5571795 <A href="mailto:lavydxb@emirates.net.ae lavydxb@emirates.net.ae ARAB CO. FOR CLEAN ENERGY (FZC) Trading in Oil &amp; gas Machinery, Equipment and related Products &amp; Supplies <A href="mailto:dubaiaw@emirates.net.ae dubaiaw@emirates.net.ae