标题: 询盘信息 ,希望于大家有益<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1 1.询盘主题 Omeprazole Sodium for Injection 询盘内容 Hello There>Our customer from Pakistan is interested to import inj. Omeprazole from China.It would be appreciated if you could please let us know whether this product is available for Pakistan.We are waiting to hear from you soon.>umas.trade(at)gmail.com 公司名称 UMAS Trade >联系人名称 Dhomeja 国家/地区 United States 联系Email <A href="mailto:umas.trade@gmail.com umas.trade@gmail.com >电话(工作) (358) 40-1879066 >>>2.询盘主题 Dgi Spacejet-3250p Large Format Inkjet Printer >询盘内容 Hi. I need heads model \"XAAR-128/200 PLUS\" from printer \"Spacejet-3250p\">How much money+ delivery to Russia? Cheers >联系人名称 Nikita 联系Email <A href="mailto:funnyparts@gmail.com funnyparts@gmail.com >>3.询盘主题 Black Granite Fireplaces >询盘内容 Please send more details and prices 国家/地区 United Kingdom 联系Email <A href="mailto:robnew_1@hotmail.com robnew_1@hotmail.com >>4.询盘主题 Multi-Purpose Copy Paper 询盘内容 Dear Sir, >>My name is Oana Zagorodnii and i\'m contacting you on behalf of Global Plast Romania. Could you please be kind to send a catalogue with quotations so we can be sure that the products we need have the same specifications as the ones on your site and save both of us time.>>I know it\'s hard work because there are lots of items and i honestly appreciate your effort.>>Thank you in advance>>Best regards公司名称 global plast 国家/地区 Romania >联系Email <A href="mailto:oana.zagorodnii@globalplast.com.ro oana.zagorodnii@globalplast.com.ro >><IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border=0 smilieid="28 <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border=0 smilieid="28 <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border=0 smilieid="28 :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: