标题: 福友们,你们又有福咯,买家最新采购信息1采购询盘标题:Industrial and Hydraulic Hose and Fittings >>发布日期: 2010-01-05 >过期日期: 2010-02-03 来自地区: 美国 >采购询盘内容: Please send me Pricing on All of Your Hose Products.>>My Companies sell to Industrial Hose and Hydraulic Distributors, all over North America. I have 9 Warehousing Locations to Support our Distributors. I am actively searching for a Hose Supplier I can Partner with to Support Our Distributors.>>Craig RoothPresident/Ceo>联系方式: >>公司名称: S & R SALES >地址: United States 电话: 1-919-5566016 传真: -- >Email: <A href="mailto:cjrooth@aol.com cjrooth@aol.com>>[ 本帖最后由 fage007 于 2010-1-28 10:40 编辑 ]