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德国有关野营产品的招标信息,10月5日前均可投递标书。 |
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标题: 德国有关野营产品的招标信息,10月5日前均可投递标书。Reference : 165361- >D-Düsseldorf: manufactured goods, furniture, handicrafts, special-purpose products and associated consumables Country : Germany Official Journal number : 153/ >Region : Date of publication : 12/08/ Locality : DUESSELDORF Reference of former documents : >Original language of tender : de Contracting rules : European Communities, with participation by GATT countries CONTRACT NOTICE>>Supplies>>SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY>I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Wehrbereichsverwaltung West, Wilhelm-Raabe-Str. 46, D-40470 Düsseldorf. Tel. +49 211 959 2162. E-mail: <A href="mailto:WBVWestDezernatIII6@bundeswehr.org WBVWestDezernatIII6@bundeswehr.org. Fax +49 211 959 2374.>>Further information can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s).Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s).>>Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: As in above-mentioned contact point(s).>>II.1) DESCRIPTION >II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 36000000, 36121200.>Description: Manufactured goods, furniture, handicrafts, special-purpose products and associated consumables.>Wooden office furniture.>SECTION IV: PROCEDURE>>IV.3) ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION IV.3.3) Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 15.9. .>IV.3.4) Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 5.10. - 14:00.>IV.3.6) Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up: German.