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采购内容 标题: 偶然搜索到的506/08 057乌克兰求碳酸钡 月需求120吨公司名称:乌克兰工业化工有限公司Укрпромхим电话:(380572)275740 270660>传真:(380572)272703>>06/08 058乌克兰求陶瓷、玻璃器皿>公司名称: 私营业主 Ходос Светлана Ивановна电话/传真:(38044)5709843>>06/08 059乌克兰求碳酸钡、碳酸镁公司名称:乌克兰“XIMPEAKTИВ”公司电话:(380542)280539>E-mail: <A href="mailto:imp-klapan@sm.ukrtel.net imp-klapan@sm.ukrtel.net>>><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 ;u+c6v>06/08 060乌克兰求玻璃求购: 玻璃公司名称:乌克兰工业股份有限公司电话/传真:(38044)4952784>>>>>06/08 061乌克兰求豆油加工设备求购:豆油加工设备公司名称:“Зернопродукт”私营企业电话/传真:(3806262)21709 27184>E-mail: <A href="mailto:pilon@slav.dn.ua pilon@slav.dn.ua>>>06/08 062哈萨克斯坦求中国产红酒哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图市ВЛАДИ公司寻求中国红酒生产商合作。>联系电话/传真:007-3272-776394>联系人:Аксенкин В.А.商务经理手机:007-3003132050电子信箱:<A href="mailto:balu61@mail.ru balu61@mail.ru>>>>06/08 063哈萨克斯坦求中国产木制隔断门>哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图市TEXHO-LUX公司寻求中国高级木质隔墙门生产商。联系电话:007-3272-463877联系人:Болат Базарбеков经理手机:007-3332655009传真:007-3272-701136电子信箱:<A href="mailto:technolux999@mail.ru technolux999@mail.ru>>>06/08 064哈萨克斯坦求中国产陶瓷板、墙面涂料和顶棚材料哈萨克斯坦ЭШЕА公司寻求中国陶瓷板、立面涂料及顶棚材料生产厂信息。>联系电话/传真:007-3272-747727,746465>联系人:Сенченко Л.О.电子信箱:<A href="mailto:import_eshee@inteesoft.kz import_eshee@inteesoft.kz>>>06/08 065哈萨克斯坦求中国产金属焊丝、金红石/锰铁、硼铁、钼铁、滑石粉等等>哈萨克斯坦Актобе-электрод寻求中国金属焊丝、金红石精矿、锰铁、>硼铁、钼铁、铁粉、滑石粉、白云母、铝粉等材料生产企业。>联系电话/传真:007-3132-944046,944047,944048联系人:Сиротин А.В.技术经理电子信箱:<A href="mailto:electrode@nursat.kz electrode@nursat.kz>>>06/08 066肯尼亚求GSM手机    公司:Kevica Suppliers &amp; Services  通讯地址:P. O. Box 54467, Nairobi, Kenya  电话:254-722- 337231>  联系人:Mr. Oscar Njuguna  E-mail: <A href="mailto:kevicablue@yahoo.com kevicablue@yahoo.com<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 6v#Y5\ {>>>>>06/08 067埃及求蚕丝>  埃及一公司欲求购蚕丝(silk raw material 50-70)>  感兴趣的国内企业可联系:  公司名称:SADAT GROUP  电话:00203-4843013,0020101403140  传真:00203-4843013>  电子邮件:<A href="mailto:lobnaa37@hotmail.com lobnaa37@hotmail.com>       <A href="mailto:lobnaa37@yahoo.com lobnaa37@yahoo.com>>>>>>06/08 068肯尼亚求安全火柴和封瓶机>  >  公司:Multi-Brand Logistics  通讯地址:P. O. Box 52996, Nairobi, Kenya  电话:254-20- 312223  传真:254-20-  联系人:Mr. George Kirunyu>  E-mail: <A href="mailto:mbrandlogix@yahoo.com mbrandlogix@yahoo.com06/08 069肯尼亚求各种兽医药用品    公司:Wellstock Ltd.  通讯地址:P. O. Box 16445, Nairobi, Kenya<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none   电话:254-722- 526140>  传真:254-20- 245654>  联系人:Mr. Saeed/ Hassan>  E-mail: <A href="mailto:wellstockltd@yahoo.com wellstockltd@yahoo.com>><SPAN style="DISPLAY: none >06/08 070肯尼亚供应钽和铌等矿产品  <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none %H:I"D0h  肯商供应钽和铌等矿产品  钽矿(5氧2钽:30%-38%);铌矿:20%-35%  公司:Honeywell Natural Products  通讯地址:P. O. Box 58971, Nairobi, Kenya<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 |中国第一外贸论坛"T,T1c;|,d2v>  电话:254-722- 704418  传真:254-20- 604839  联系人:Ms. Pauline Kivila>  E-mail: <A href="mailto:hnp55@yahoo.com hnp55@yahoo.com>>06/08 071肯尼亚求二氧化钛和氯笨>肯商求购二氧化钛(titanium dioxide)和氯笨(pazadichlorobenzene)>  >  公司:Rumorth E.A Ltd  通讯地址:P. O. Box 61710, Nairobi, Kenya  电话:254-20- 240547>  传真:254-20- 240547  联系人:Mr. Sam Mokaya  E-mail: <A href="mailto:yumorth2004@yahoo.com yumorth2004@yahoo.com>>>>06/08 072德国环保技术企业寻找中国合作伙伴德国SCHMITT &amp; PARTNER GMBH公司从事环保技术领域-尤其是雨水利用-业务.>该公司有意和中国环保技术公司建立联系,共同开发生产环保产品.请感兴趣的企业与其联系.另外该公司目前需要采购小型泵机,请国内相关泵机厂家直接和对方联系.>德国公司联系方式:联系人: Angelika SandritterSCHMITT &amp; PARTNER GMBHEITERBACHER STR.19, 69253 HEILIGKREUZSTEINACH, GERMANYTel: +49-6220-912100Fax: +49-6220-912102<A href="mailto:schmitt@profirain.de schmitt@profirain.de<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none ,\>06/08 073黎巴嫩公司求购远程电信设备黎巴嫩ABSS公司求购telecommunications closets, patch panels, officeboxes, cat 5e. 6 cables, fiber optic cables and fiber drawers, etc, 有意者,请与之联系。>  电话:00961-1-682550/3-643946>  传真:00961-1-682550  电子邮件:<A href="mailto:gilabss@cyberia.net.lb gilabss@cyberia.net.lb>06/08 074厄瓜多尔求汽车组件求购汽车散件>厄瓜多尔IMPED 公司欲求购汽车散件自己组装车辆, 有感兴趣出口散件的厂商请联>系.>>  所要散件为: 车辆底盘. (CKD, Parte de Chasis)>  发动机(Motor),180—220 马力 (180—220 Caballos)>  传动(Transmsión), 6或9 转速, (6 0 9 Velocidades).>  前轴( Eje Delantero, 9000 a 12000 Libras)>>  后轴(Eje Posterior, 20000 a 23000 Libras).>  半径( Relación Radio: 5,50).>  悬挂. 叶径3.5 (Suspensión: 3.5 Diámetro hoja, por 2 de Largo)>  联系人: Dr. Hernán Espinoza.  Tel/Fax: 00593-2-2455792 Cel: 00593-98580058.>  E-mail: <A href="mailto:zonniavalores@hotmail.com zonniavalores@hotmail.com>>>>06/08 075西班牙求葡萄酒电子测温计>公司名称:ZELAKOA IMPORT C.B.>公司地址<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border=0 smilieid="7 .O. BOX 373, 20800 ZARAUTZ GIPUZKOA联系人:JUAN LUIS ZELAIA>电话:34-943134738传真:34-943134913电子邮件: <A href="mailto:zelakoa.import@euskalnet.net zelakoa.import@euskalnet.net<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none $R产品: (测量葡萄酒温度的电子温度计)termometro electronico para medir la>temperatura del vino>><SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 9n2h6E06/08 076西班牙求羊皮>公司名称:OSONA TRADING S.L公司地址<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border=0 smilieid="7 OLIGONO INDUSTRIAL MALLOLES ,C/SAU 5-7, BARCELONA电话:34938891392>传真:34938891498电子邮件: <A href="mailto:osonatrading@worldonline.es osonatrading@worldonline.es>产品: 羊皮(pieles ovinas)>>>06/08 077西班牙求纺织品 公司名称:ODANA联系人<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border=0 smilieid="7 ATXI DELGADO>电话:34-966721637>传真:34-966721684>电子邮件: <A href="mailto:pataidan@terra.es pataidan@terra.es>产品: 纺织品(productos textiles)>06/08 078埃塞俄比亚招标艾滋病防治设备INVITATION TO BIDBid No. ICB/HSDP/HAPCO/GF/Medical Equipment18/2004>Issued By Ministry of Health>Bid Doc. Price Birr 200.00>Published Date May 29, 2004Opening Date July 27, 2004>RemarksBid Category Medical EquipmentDescription     >1. This invitation for bids follows the grant agreement entered betweenthe Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria and the HIV/AIDSprevention and control office of the Federal Democratic Republic of>Ethiopia.       2. The HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) of the Federal>Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received a grant from the Global Fund toFight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria towards the cost of Health Sector Development>Program with particular emphasis to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.It is intended that part of the proceeds of this grant will be applies toeligible payments under the contract for the procurement of MedicalEquipment.       3. The Ministry of Health has signed an agreement with the HIV/AIDSPrevention and Control Office of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopiafor the provision of procurement service to HAPCO using the Global Fundgrant as a sub-recipient.>      >  4. The Ministry of Health now invites sealed bid from eligible biddersfor the supply of medical equipment categorized in eight lots based on their<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 4E(s4O%Xmedical purpose.     >  5. Bidders have the option to bid for any one or more lots. Bidders notoffering 100% of acceptable items in a lot will be treated as incomplete,>and will be rejected as non responsive. Bids will be evaluated on lot by lot>basis. However, for Lot V, 80 and above quotation will be considered as>complete and responsive. Bids will be evaluated and contract (s) awarded for>each lot taking into account discounts offered, if nay, for combined lotswhich will be the basis for award of contract (s).       6. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from andinspect the bidding documents at the office of pharmaceuticalsAdministration and Supply Services, Ministry of Health, Room No. 1.22, P.O.>Box 1234, Woreda 3, Kebele 53, Tel 251-1-53 51 57, Fax 251-1-53 51 66/51 2691, E-mail:mohpass@telecom.net.et, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.       7. A completed set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested>bidders on submission of a written application o the above mentioned officeand upon payment of a non-refundable fee of birr 200. Foreign bidders may>purchase the bidding document by sending a cheque through the above addressfor the equivalent of Ethiopian Birr 200. Foreign bidders may purchase the>bidding document by sending a cheque through the above address for the>equivalent of Ethiopian Birr 200 plus the cost of express mail (DHL, TNTetc) in a freely convertible currency payable to the Ministry of Health.     >  8. Bids must be delivered to the above ?mentioned office on or before2:00 P.M. on July 27, 2004 and must be accompanied by a maximum security of>100,000 Birr or in a freely convertible currency for all lots and per lot,>it should be as follows: Lot I: 30,000 Birr, Lot II: 15,000 Birr, Lot II:>12,000 birr, Lot IV: 12,000 Birr, Lot V: 40, 000 Birr, Lot VI: 36,000 Birr,Lot VII: 24,000 Birr, Lot VIII: 9,000 Birr.>     >  9. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders/representatives whochoose to attend at 2:30 P.M. on July 27, 2004 at the Ministry of HealthAuditorium, Head office compound, Woreda 3, Kebele 53, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia       Ministry of Health>  Pharmaceuticals Administration and Supply Services  Room No. 6>  Tel. 251-1-15 89 05 Or 15 17 90  Fax 251-1-51 26 91>  P.O. Box 1234>  Woreda 3, Kebele 53, Sengatera area  Addis Ababa  Ethiopia