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[欧洲买家] 瑞士客户询盘,不是自己的产品给大家分享 |
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标题: 瑞士客户询盘,不是自己的产品给大家分享Hello!>I am looking for the manufacture of bulb wrappings for Osram or at least similar. >Have I come to the right place?>>I would like to buy some formed plastic wrappings for bulbs. It is that kind which is made for bulbs with E27 stand. 11 cm in length and 8 cm in width.<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 7s3?2\%u3r*UWhat on earth is goning on here, you probably think <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1 . >Well I am trying to make a little invention for male dogs, marking their territory by peeing indoors.>Looking forward to a little answere from you and I hope you can help me find what I am looking for to a reasonable cost of course. I only need about 100 pieces to start with.... >This is just a requiery so it is not an order <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1 .Just seeking the best prices first.>>Kind regards<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none *jMariefrom Sweden><A href="mailto:isamariema@gmail.com isamariema@gmail.com