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标题: 看看是不是你需要的吧More information: For the godets, it would be okay if they are about 1 cm in lenght or diameterand with a height of about 2 mm only. >>For the brush, it is not that important for the size, but it should fit in the tester>you are going to offer to us. ---------------------->Our Germany market want to buy attach - 5 and 6 godets for lip gloss tester case. >>Customer wish to launch a small lip it's a inquire i just received yet ,and i don't want to do it ,so if you can try if you like> 期 集 企 業 有 限 公 司台北市忠孝東路4 段 170 巷 6 弄 7 號 2 FVISION FOCUS ENTERPRISE CO., LTD, >ASIA PACIFIC TRADING LIMITED2F, No. 7, Alley 6, Lane 170, Sec.4, Chung Hsiao E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: 886-2-27719944, Fax: 886-2-27719945, Mobile: 886-932155888 E-mail: <A href="mailto:vision.focus@msa.hinet.net vision.focus@msa.hinet.netE-mail: <A href="mailto:vfe@ms13.hinet.net vfe@ms13.hinet.net>E-mail: <A href="mailto:asia.pac@msa.hinet.net asia.pac@msa.hinet.netSkype: visionfocus>MSN:vision.focus@hotmail.c> Our Germany market want to buy attach - 5 and 6 godets for lip gloss tester case. >>Customer wish to launch a small lip gloss tester (we need the empty case only, as thefilling is made from customer). >Customer is looking for a case like this, but with 2 godets for lip gloss only, but also with>a compartment for a lip brush. >>Do you have a small and quite cheap case with two small compartments > Subject: We want to buy - lip gloss tester case-K6-1>>More information:>>For the godets, it would be okay if they are about 1 cm in lenght or diameter>and with a height of about 2 mm only. >For the brush, it is not that important for the size, but it should fit in the tester>you are going to offer to us.> 唇膏盒子