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采购主题 [欧洲买家] 询盘分享...... 
采购内容 标题: 询盘分享......这是一个老外的询盘,塞浦路斯的,要求是cotton towel,我们只生产microfiber towel,所以给大家联系吧~~~~~>Dear Sirs,>Please find attached the details of our current project fortowels.Should this may of your interest, your best offer is most>welcome.>Best RegardsPhytos Ierodiacono>E-Mail: <A href="mailto:info@amelco.com info@amelco.com>>Buyer's contactsPHYTOS IERODIACONOUMANAGER>E-mail: <A href="mailto:info@amelco.com info@amelco.comCompany Name: SKYLINE EL. CO. LTD.Year Established: 1972Address: 39, Kalamon Street, NicosiaCountry/Region: CyprusZip/Postal Code: 2032Tel: 357-22-484444>Fax: 357-22-481360