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采购主题 服装求购信息 
采购内容 标题: 服装求购信息我在ecplaza 里收到了一封询盘,因为以前我是做服装的,不过现在改做水泵了,所以拿出来跟大家分享下:Dear Sir, >Thanks for your mail, >By short introduction of our company. JOHNSON BALANTINE NIGERIA COMPANY is an marketing company, importers and exporters company with International >concern fully engaged in importation of baby formula PRODUCTS. E.T.C We have been in this field for Years. and the leading supplier of the above mention products to many companies here in Nigeria. Therefore we are in a very good position to market and >Distribute most of your products here Nigeria ,kindly send your price list and quotation for our study, to >enable us meet our numerous Customers for their selection and place order. >>Thanks and best regards, johnson ina obasi >JOHNSON BALANTINE NIGERIA COMPANY. 124 JUBILEE ROAD ABA -ABIA STATE. NIGERIA . Tel: + 234-803-8982646 + 234 707 0037718 >Email. <A href="mailto:balantineina@yahoo.co.uk balantineina@yahoo.co.uk