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标题: 国外采购10/19_012意大利求人参产品 >Subject : Ginseng products >>Biomeda srl is acting on the market as dealer of natural products, herbst etc. >It is interested in importing and distributing Ginseng and in particular >- ginseng extract - ginseng capsule >Its main import countries are South Korea and China ------------------- Company Biomeda srl >President Mr. Cosma >E-Mail <A href="mailto:biomeda2@libero.it biomeda2@libero.it Phone 39-011-4034464 >Fax 39-011-7801635 Country Italy Address Via Bligny 16 - 10097 Collegno (Torino) >><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 7g(s#`-u;W>>10/19_013意大利求花园刀锯和剪刀 >Subject : Garden saws and blades >Cellurale Michele & Figli is a family company located in the >southern part of >Italy. It has a long experience in importing and dealing saws, blades, knives and scissors. >Actually they are interested in contacting other suppliers of the following items: - gardering saws >- hunting knives >----------------- >Company Cellurale Michele & Figli >President Mr. Cellurale Giuseppe E-Mail <A href="mailto:giuseppe.cellurale@virgilio.it giuseppe.cellurale@virgilio.it Phone 39-0874-62040 Fax 39-0874-62040 >Country Italy >Address Via IV Novembre 155- 86100 Campobasso 10/19_014卢旺达招标求化肥 Subject : Fertilizer - Tender Closing date: Nov. 22, 2004 1)Tender Item: Supply of 5678 tonnes of fertilizer NPK25-5-5 + 1 >MgO + 1S to OCIR-THE <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 7e(k;|8]1x-O3N#C2)Tender Issuing Company: Office Des Cultures Industrielles Du Rwanda (OCIR-THE), PO Box 1344, Kigali,Rwanda Tel<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/sad.gif" border=0 smilieid="2 250)514797, 574416 Fax: >(250)573943, 514796 Email<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/shocked.gif" border=0 smilieid="6 cirthe@rwanda1.com 3)Purchase of Tender Documents: Tender documents cost US$100 paid on account No. 10069-35-88 (USD (B.C.D.I),B.P. 3268,Tel<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/sad.gif" border=0 smilieid="2 250)574455, >Fax: (250)573790/574479 >4)Tender Conditions:Well printed and properly bound bids shall be >presented in four copies, one of which is the original and other >three are copies, must be sent to the Director OCIR-THE in pro- perly sealed envelopes. >5)Tender Closing Date: Nov. 22, 2004 - 10.00 hrs local time Tel: (254-20)228928/220458/313399 Fax: (254-20)332850 Email: <A href="mailto:kotra@africaonline.co.ke kotra@africaonline.co.ke Contact Person: Ms. Wanjiru Mwangi -------------------- >Company Office Des Cultures Industrielles du Rwanda (OCIR-THE) >President Mr. Gaforomo G. Vianney E-Mail <A href="mailto:ocirthe@rwanda1.com ocirthe@rwanda1.com >Phone 250-0-514797 Fax 250-0-573943 >Country Rwanda Address P.O. Box 1344 Kigali, Rwanda >>10/19_015喀麦隆求蜂窝电话、计算机、照相机、电视、电风扇、VCD等 Importation We wish to import cellular phones, computers,cameras,television sets,fans >and vcd. >Interested firms willing to supply us with the above items should contact us. >>Payment Delivery Origin >TT Air/sea worldwide Minimum Order Packaging Inspection Nod data cartons SGS >Samples Sample Price Free 0 USD Contact Information >Mr. Okenwa Otah ( Commercial , Director ) >Company : Otabuko & Sons >Address : B.P.2005 Akwa Douala, Littoral Cameroon Zip/Postal : 237 >Tel : 237-7767-602 >Fax : 237-3433-207 >>>10/19_016阿尔及利亚招标求衍射计X光片 Supply, The Installation And The Start-up Of A Diffract Meter X-ray >>SGP GICA/GIC ERCE The Center of Studies and Technological Services of the Industry of Building materials (CETIM) Invitation to tender National and >International Restricted N° 01 / AONI/DL/CETIM/04 The Center of Studies and Technological Services of the Industry of Building materials (CETIM) lance an invitation to tender to competition national and international for: Supply, the installation and the start-up of a diffract meter X-ray The tenderers can withdraw the schedule of conditions to the following address: Center Studies and Technological Services of the Industry of Building >materials (CETIM) City Ibn Khaldoun-Boumerdes Against payment of the sum of 1000 DA The offers accompanied by the documents required in the schedule of >conditions must arrive under double fold closes and anonymous with the >following address: Center Studies and Technological Services of the Industry of Building materials (CETIM) CETIM Quoted Ibn Khaldoun LP 93-35000 Boumerdes The outer jacket will have to comprise the following mention >obligatorily: " not to open " Tender invitation to tender n° 01 / AONI/DL/CETIM/04 The limiting date of the deposit of the offers is fixed at <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 3Y2A0C30 days as from the first publication of this opinion www.khbarcom.com. Any >tender sent after this time will be regarded as null and not avenue The tenderers will remain committed by their offers throughout one 120 day as from the limiting date of deposit of the offers. Very significant: - This >opinion relates to only the only specialized companies and having references recognized in the field - the schedule of conditions will not be given that >with only representing duly elected by the tenderer will wish to take part <FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 福步外贸论坛是中国最大的专业外贸论坛,致力于打造全球最具人气、最实用的外贸社区。5`%C.z/Z2?>in this invitation to tender. - >>>>>>10/19_017白俄罗斯求牛黄20公斤/月 Ox/Cow/Cattle Gallstones: Big solid Hong Kong company is buying OX / COW GALLSTONES (only well dried) from anywhere at the best existing market price level on term CIF Air. Any quantities till 20 Kgs monthly. >Please send your offer with the price and quantity, quality details, etc. We <FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 外贸,外贸论坛,福步,福步外贸,福步外贸论坛,FOB,FOB forum*|>need colour photo of ready lot. >If you are interested in the said terms, pls contact freely by Email or by >fax. >>Thank you & Best regards. >Agent of "Cheong Hing" >Yuri Ihnatovich (Mr.) >>>>10/19_018巴基斯坦求PVC卡印刷/切割机 >PVC CARD PRINTING/CUTTING MACHINE >DEAR SIR, >WE ARE WILLING TO BUY PVC CARD PRINTING/CUTTING MACHINE FOR PAKISTAN MARKET. WE LIKE TO USE THIS MACHINE FOR DIFFERENT KIND OF ID CARDS AND VARIOUS >DESIGNED PRING. >PLEASE PROVIDE PRICES & CATALOUGES OF MCHINES. >REAGRDS, >>SOHAIL MALIK >10/19_019沙特求包装密封带 Wanted Sealing Tape, Trans 2X100y >Dear Sir, >>I am looking to purchase Sealing tape,Trans 2"X100y used for packing in our meat factory in Saudi Arabia.>10/19_020印度求沥青5000吨/月 BITUMEN : Urgently Required >>We are having a firm requirement of BITUMEN for construction application . >Our required Quantity is 5000MT Per Month . >An LOI from the Final Buyer would be Provided ONLY against a Firm Offer from >the Original Supplier . >The Target Price is US $ 153 /MT CIF Nav Seva or JNPT Port Mumbai INDIA . >Payment Delivery Origin L/C CIF Mumbai Port None Specified>>>10/19_021印度求罐头盖 >Triple Fold Safety Lid For Cans >WE SHALL GIVE THE DETAILS ON RECEIVING YOUR INTEREST. QUANTITY IS 3FCLs >EVERY MONTH. MOST URGENT. Payment Delivery Origin L/C IMMEDIATE None Specified >Minimum Order Packaging Inspection >3FCLs/month None Specified None Specified>>>10/19_022埃及求乙二醇 Diethylene Glycol >Demand: Diethylene Glycol Commercial grade Offer CNF Alexandira- Egypt>10/19_023埃及求PVC复合材料1000吨 >PVC Compounds, Purge Material ><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 福步外贸论坛是中国最大的专业外贸论坛,致力于打造全球最具人气、最实用的外贸社区。(f8u#Q#B'];`(h>Demand: PVC Compound for lateral pipes - 1000 Tons Purge Material - 10 Tons>>10/19_024印度求水产养殖PCR病毒检测装备 Aquaculture & Hatchery Pcr Test Kits, Probiotics & Immunostimulants >>PCR Test Kits for testing of WSSV virus, MBV- >virus, HPV Virus, Combination virus etc. Immunostimulant & Probiotics >>>Payment Delivery Origin >Sight L/C or T/T Made as per Order India >Minimum Order Packaging Inspection >None Specified As per GNP standards None Specified Samples Sample Price >Not Avaliable None Specified