主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 2009 年3月18日海外买家求购信息及合作商机
采购主题 2009 年3月18日海外买家求购信息及合作商机 
采购内容 标题: 年3月18日海外买家求购信息及合作商机1.黎巴嫩公司REMALEC S.A.R.L.求购单级变压器(unipolar transformers high tension /low tension),要求产品质量上乘,达到行业国际标准,下订单时中方企业能提供相关银行担保。有意者请与黎公司直接联系商洽。>联系人:Nada FENIANOS电话:00961-3321595/4722332>传真:00961-4722442>电子邮件:<A href="mailto:remalec@inco.com.lb remalec@inco.com.lb>>2.沙特客户求购水厂设备 包括吹瓶机、灌装机、包装机、日期打印机、装箱机、海水淡化设备等。 Mr. Salman Seed E-mail: <A href="mailto:slaman_fa@hotmail.com slaman_fa@hotmail.com >3.沙特客户寻求与中国企业合资建设通讯电缆厂 有意者请联系: >中国驻沙特使馆经商参处 李伟 E-mail: <A href="mailto:liwei888@hotmail.com liwei888@hotmail.com>4.白俄罗斯一企业希望与中国生产企业建立直接联系,商谈购买建筑机械和设备。有合作意愿的中国生产企业可与其直接联系,了解详情 >  联系方式:   电话/传真:00375-17-2814115,2812198   网址:www.bir.by   联系语言:俄语或英语(信息仅供参考,业务风险自负)>>5.巴西企业寻求畜牧贸易合作>企业名称:BETEL AGRI FARM – Trade and Export of Animals   企业简介<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/sweat.gif" border=0 smilieid="10 ocated in Ibitinga/SP, Betel Agri Farm with 15 million m2 of productive land has traditional and experience in export of livestock, maintains its own Quarantine Field and modern Center of reproduction and professional qualification. >  · It is specialized in trade of Buffalo (milk, meat and traction), Cattle (milk and meat), Sheep and Goats (milk and meat) and Quarter Mile Horses for work, sport and leisure. >  · The Bethel is Brazil's largest exporter of buffalo and sheep to Latin America.   · It holds permission, by the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil, of its own Quarantine Field located in a region out of the aftosa zone. >  · The Betel Reproduction Center works artificial insemination, embryo transfer, freezing and transport of semen and embryos.   · Its technicians give courses and workshops for professionals in the field of animal breeding and management in Brazil and abroad. >  地址:Av. Dom Pedro II, 538, Caixa Postal 70, Cep 14940-000, Ibitinga, S?o Paulo, Brazil   联系人<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3 irector Fábio P. da Costa >  联系电话: fones: +55 16 33423200 / +55 16 92270079 / +55 16 99927500 >  E-mail: <A href="mailto:fazbetel@terra.com.br fazbetel@terra.com.br   Website: www.agrobetel.com.br 6.俄罗斯ООО《ИжНефтьСнабСервис》公司推销下列产品:   石油天然气相关设备、重油、硫磺、化肥和金属材料。   请有兴趣的中国企业同俄方建立直接联系。 >>  联系地址: 俄罗斯,119606,г. Москва, пр-т Вернадского,84\2,офис 803 >  电话:+7 9104596300 >  +7 9261142575   传真: +7-499-5010585   E-mail: <A href="mailto:centrdep@mail.ru centrdep@mail.ru   联系人:Саадулаев А.М.