主页 >> 世界买家名录集 >> 买家 [美国买家] 求购热敏打印纸
采购主题 [美国买家] 求购热敏打印纸 
采购内容 标题: 求购热敏打印纸规格如下:>- It has to have durability for 2 years or more;>- It has to be colored (the white paper has bad acceptance here in Brazil, because some retailers in the past were cutting fax-bobins to sell rolls, which liberated debris that broke printer mechanisms). It may be yellow, or blue, or even green.>- Finally, it has to be debris-free - i.e., it must not be poorly cut, or made of cheap pulp.尺寸:57*40>>订量:20尺的柜>联系方式:<A href="mailto:yhyenjoy@hotmail.com yhyenjoy@hotmail.com