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采购主题 相框买家 
采购内容 标题: 相框买家今天收到两封询盘,是关于相框的,因为我们是做数码相框的,所以可能是关键词搞错了,不是我们的产品范围.贡献出来给大家,希望对某些人可以起到帮助作用.>Dear Sirs, we want find a Chinese supplier about frame. If you have the appropriate product, Please relate with us.>>Contact Info:Country:SPAIN>Email:colomer@ginerycolomer.com>Address:Camino Estacion,s/n 46691 VALLADA(Valencia-Spain)>Phone:34/96 225 76 54>Contact Person:Jose Colomer Martinez >We are searching for suppliers for frames. We anticipate your reply.>Contact Info:Country:ITALYEmail:info@temacornici.comAddress:Vialedei ploppl,VinovoContact Person:Roberta Barisone