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采购主题 买家信息,希望有用 
采购内容 标题: 买家信息,希望有用We need a Machinery for packing potato chips. Please make us a coutation >Gerardo Wille >Pa &amp; pa ><A href="mailto:infopres@supernet.com.bo infopres@supernet.com.bo Cochabamba - Bolivia>>Dear Director of Export Company citadel of marble and granite We are a company working in the field of marble and granite in Libya >The import marble from Turkey We establish the Florida marble cutters We hope you send some prices following machine BRIDG CUTTING MACHING The machine EDGE POLISHING \ FINISHING >>>Regards >MOHMED UKUK Director-General>Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 218-91-2142181 >邮箱 <A href="mailto:amakak@gmail.com amakak@gmail.com