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标题: 史上最强帖,不断更新全球买家信息,有联系方式史上最强帖,不断更新全球买家信息,有联系方式有任何需要,请你留言给我,我会不定期来这里看大家有什么需要>给大家帮助1.哥伦比亚商人求售煤炭 求售物品:煤炭,包括炼焦煤和燃煤 >煤炭规格(参数):湿度:0.87%;灰土含量:11,15%;挥发物:1,91%;含硫量:0.57%;燃烧值(KCAL/KG):7010。 >价格:180美元/吨 供货量:20万吨/月 >供货地点:美国 求售公司:Latin International Co., Ltda. Telefax:00571-6776290 E-mail: <A href="mailto:president_latin@etb.net.co president_latin@etb.net.co 联系人: Mr. Manuel Guerrero-Amaya >2.哥伦比亚客商求购装饰品 >求购物品:各种装饰品,包括:(1)餐具;(2)绘画;(3)双面地毯(Gobelinos);(4)玻璃器皿;(5)家用纺织品:床罩、床单、洗澡用品、灯。 >求购公司:Centro de Decoracion Gaviota Tel:00571-2685860 Fax:00571-2685860 E-mail: <A href="mailto:marcelarod11@yahoo.com marcelarod11@yahoo.com 联系人: Ms. Claudia Marcela Rodriguez M. 3.巴商求购有色玻璃 产品规格:1.5MM, 600x800MM 用 途:眼镜、护目镜生产 公司名称: Iqbal Optical Manufactures 地 址:St.No.15, Bahalwana Park Mohni Road, Lahore-Pakistan 电 话:0092-42-7720225 邮 件:<A href="mailto:muhammadanas@yahoo.com muhammadanas@yahoo.com 4.巴商求购空调和冰箱 >公司名称:Courage International Pvt.Ltd. > 地 址:G-1,Queens Center, 33-Queens Road, Lahore-Pakistan 电 话:0092-42-6361653,6361690 传 真:0092-42-6361957 邮 件:<A href="mailto:info@toyoaircon.net info@toyoaircon.net > 网 址www.toyoaircon.net >5.巴商求购铸造系列设备 > 公司名称:ASPHATAR INTERNATIONAL (PVT)LTD. 地 址:9-B, south Central Avenue, Defence Housing authority, Karachi-Pakistan 电 话:0092-21-5894009,5381571 传 真:0092-21-5885792 > 邮 件:<A href="mailto:sheikham@cyber.net.pk sheikham@cyber.net.pk > 主要求购生产固定管道用的卷曲金属装配件(Malleable iron fittings)相关设备,包括: > 1.熔化设备(melting unit)——高频感应电炉(High Frequency Electric Furnace, 1/2 Ton capacity); 2.全套铸造设备(foundry equipment); > 3.退火炉(annealing furnace); > 4.喷砂设备(Sand blasting & Cleaning Unit); > 5.镀锌设备(Galvanizing treatment); 6.镙扣设备(threading machine)。 6.伊朗国家电视广播台求购电视转发设备 >ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING 伊朗国家电视广播台求购电视转发设备 E-MAIL:mofatteh@irib.ir TEL:0098-21-2013555 >FAX:0098-21-2013556 >MR.S.S.MOFATTEH7.伊朗客户求购纺织面料 >COTTEN & COOL CO. 客户求购纺织面料 >纯棉布料和POLYSTER化纤弹力面料 >E-MAIL:avakian1955@yahoo.com >TEL:0098-21-2502989 >FAX:0098-21-2502989 8.伊朗客户求购妇科医疗器械 2005-05-10 14:13 SINA DARMANGAR CO. 客户求购妇科医疗器械 VIGINAL SPACULUM (阴道扩张器) E-MAIL:companysina@yahoo.com >TEL:0098-21-8419143 FAX:0098-21-8419144 >MS.RASHIDI >9.埃及一家公司希望与我房地产公司合作 埃及一家公司希望与我房地产公司合作,感兴趣的企业请联系: >公司: Mena for Touristic & Real Estate Investment 联系人:Ibrahim Massoud 电子邮件:<A href="mailto:f.fathallah@mena.com.eg f.fathallah@mena.com.eg <A href="mailto:research_development@mena.com.eg research_development@mena.com.eg >手机:002-010 643442 哥伦比亚客商求购螺钉制造机器及镀锌螺钉和螺母 >求购物品:(1)螺钉制造机器(螺钉规格:1/2, 3/4,冷轧);(2)镀锌螺钉和螺母(规格:1/2,5/8,3/4);用途:通讯盒盒电气箱连接用。 >求购公司:Baltec/ Abs Maquinas Tel:00571-4515038, 4060368 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:absmaquinas@hotmail.com absmaquinas@hotmail.com 联系人: Mr. Abimael Bustos >> 哥伦比亚客商求购特氟隆涂料>求购物品:特氟隆涂料(Teflon Coating);规格:液状或粉状 >求购公司:Maquinados Tecnicos y Fundiciones S. en C.S. >Tel:00571-5602124 >Fax:00571-2474156 E-mail: <A href="mailto:maquitecnicos00@hotmail.com maquitecnicos00@hotmail.com >联系人:Mr. Lizardo Barrera > 哥伦比亚客商求购聚乌拉坦塑料膜>>求购物品:聚乌拉坦塑料膜(Polyurethane diaphragms) 用途:塑料饮料瓶生产原料 >求购公司:Tecnopolimeros Tel:00575-3559254 >Fax:00575-3556202 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:tecnopla@aolpremium.com tecnopla@aolpremium.com >联系人:Mr. Jonas Vishniauskas > 寻求水泥生产技术和采购生产设备巴西CSN钢铁公司拟利用钢渣和其他原料生产水泥,希望中国企业提供生产技术和设备,有意合作这请速与其直接联系,或通过我室转达初步合作意向。CSN有关人员将于6月访华具体商谈。 >CSN联系方式:Tel:0055-11-30497585 Fax:0055-11-30497212 我室电话:0055-21-25514878 >联系人:卢富强领事 > (中国驻里约热内卢总领馆经商室) >利比亚商寻汽车刹车片原料ESSALAMA是一家利比亚专业生产各类汽车刹车片的工厂,位于的黎波里市的工业园区,有已经建成投产的厂房,及各种加工设备和模具。 该厂的总经理穆森阿瑞贵博(MOHSEN ARIGUIB)先生表示将近期赴中国寻找新的合作商机,希望中国有关厂家能够提供质优价廉的材料,并具有ISO质量认证,能在诚信的基础上与中国厂家进行长期合作。 ESSALAMA工厂联系方式: FAX:00218-21-3603896 Tel: 00218-91-3117797 Email: <A href="mailto:moh_tip@hotmail.com moh_tip@hotmail.com >叙商求购豆奶生产线> COMPANY NAME: HOUSSAM AL- EID & PRS. TEL: 011/5612664 FAX: 011/5614893 MOBILE: 094/500664 >CONTACT: MOUKHLIS KANASH >INTEREST: MILK PRODUCTION LINE EXTRUCTED FROM SOY BEAN>叙商求购工业分析用的实验材料>COMPANY NAME: CHACCOUR TRADING >TEL: 011/3323491/3326693/3314982 FAX: 011/3338826 >CONTACT: EMILE CHACCOUR INTEREST: LABORATORIES MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRIAL ANALYZEA. >备注:客户需求以英文为准;叙国家区号为00963;请自行把握对方的资信状况. 叙商求购浮法玻璃 COMPANY NAME: SAMAKEH GLASS >TEL: 011/2224222 FAX: 011/2224396 >MOBILE: 094/220155 >CONTACT: EIAD SAMAKEH INTEREST: FLOAT GLASS >埃及一家公司希望进口铜管材>埃及一家公司希望进口铜管材,感兴趣的企业请联系: >公司名称: El Eman Medcial Company 联系人: Ahmed Kamal 电话: 00202-7920693 传真:00202-7950885 手机: 002-0101514813 >电子邮箱: <A href="mailto:ahmedkamalaly2000@yahoo.com ahmedkamalaly2000@yahoo.com > > >再贴,我再贴乌克兰企业求购各种规格的紧固件联系电话:+380 62 3802024 3810889 >>电子邮箱:<A href="mailto:propher2001@mail.ru propher2001@mail.ru>联系人:Карпенко Е.А. 乌克兰企业求购有色金属>乌克兰“Мегатекс”股份公司是铅、铅合金、焊锡、乌金等有色金属加工企业,现寻求中国合作伙伴,求购锡及其它有色金属,每月需求量10-20吨。>公司联系电话:+380 6272 23365、25887、24693、26010;>传真:+380 6272 23365;电子邮件: <A href="mailto:megatex@dwtel.dn.ua megatex@dwtel.dn.ua > 求购各种促销用小礼品> 公司:Central de Licores Unidos de Venezuela, C.A. 联系人:Mr.Freddy R. Garcia(Gerente de Mercadeo) 电话:0058-212-5424028/4083/4076 传真:0058-212-5424092 E-mail:<A href="mailto:celiveca@celiveca.com celiveca@celiveca.com <A href="mailto:mercadeo@celiveca.com mercadeo@celiveca.com 网页www.celiveca.com >地址:Av. Universidad con Av.Sur, Esqs. de Gradillas a Sociedad, Edf. Humbolt, Piso 3, Las Gradillas, Caracas. Codigo Postal 1010 备注:做促销用的各种小礼品,如笔,钥匙挂,开瓶器,杯子,帽子等其他适合促销用小礼品 > >求购各种体育用品(棒球及其用具,钓鱼用具等) >公司:Deportes Magur, C.A. 联系人:Ing. Urs Schneeberger 电话/传真:0058-212-9631609 >手机:0058-414-3237388 >E-mail:<A href="mailto:deportes_magur@hotmail.com deportes_magur@hotmail.com >备注:进口各种体育用品,比如棒球及其用品,钓鱼用具,运动帽,游泳衣,帐篷,网球等。 >哥伦比亚客商求购石棉板>求购物品:石棉板(纸):厚度:1.25mm, 1.60mm, 2.30mm;Corbetos(加金属的石棉板) >用途:汽车行业发动机的接合部合包装材料,汽车的传动装置合化油器等 >求购公司:Empaquetaduras >Tle:00571-2988042 >Fax:00571-4152958 E-mail: <A href="mailto:carltda@col1.telecom.com.co carltda@col1.telecom.com.co >http:// www.empaquetadurascar.com 联系人: Mr. Carlos Arturo Rodriguez >> 哥伦比亚客商求购生产矿泉水塑料瓶的机器求购公司:C.I. Inversiones Vital S. A. >Tel:00574-5432921 Fax:00574-5432921 E-mail: <A href="mailto:aguavital@epm.net.co aguavital@epm.net.co 联系人:Ms. Estela Estrada Gomez 哥伦比亚客商求购外科手术用手套求购公司:Comercializadora Int. Paldi Ltda. >Tel:00571-4204248 >fax :00571-5434390 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:francisco196324@hotmail.com francisco196324@hotmail.com 联系人: Mr. Francisco >>叙商求购水管(内衬为塑料) >COMPANY NAME:OUSAMA MA’AMO >TEL: 031/237577 FAX: 031/228035 >MOBILE: 094/993330 CONTACT: OUSAMA MA’AMO >INTEREST: WATER TUBES COATED BY PLASTIC FROM INSIDE. >罗马尼亚商业信息罗马尼亚有一家硫酸铝厂出售,详情介绍如下,如我企业感兴趣,请直接与该公司联系。 联系方式: Mihail Pavel ><A href="mailto:mihailpavel@yahoo.com mihailpavel@yahoo.com 0040-723.376.514 >0040-242-515.113 / 515.270 >This is company as one of main shareholder of the an important producer of Aluminium Sulphate from Romania . and is one of the important shareholders of Intelrom ( this company have 32 % from the stock ) and I intend to leave Intelrom allow met present you this company offer for the selling of his share from INTELROM Company . This company was issued in 1994 and starting with this year the company has finished every year with important profits .The 2004 year means EURO 400.000 as profit . The company has goods like cars , trucks , buildings of EURO 1.500.000. The company has 9 trucks MAN with 6 semi-tippers SCHMITZ and 3 silos cement SPITZER .The position of INTELROM on the. Romanian market is the second , after KEMWATER , which is a Swedish-romanian company ( KEMIRA ) . This company intends to buy INTELROM company ( the Aluminium Sulphate activity only ) and they offered already , in October , 2004 , an amount of EURO 1.500.000. If you accept to buy this company stock of 32 % you will can put his. he is in position to provide you all the information required and to give you all his support ( do not forget that this company is created by myself ) . >The INTELROM company is already authorized as per ISO 9001 : 2000 requirements by a German agent : TUV Thuringen . This is very important because thet means an international recognition . This company offer for his stock of 32 % is EURO 400.000 . he is very curious to know your position . You have now the occasion to become an important shareholder and in a short time the main shareholder to the second Romanian company involved on the Romanian market as producer of Aluminium Sulphate . >> 葡商求购大理石、花岗岩等石材>葡商Irmaos Ferreira,LDA求购大理石、花岗岩等石材,联系方式如下: >TEL:00351-256866546/918494740/918494742 TELEFAX:00351-256866844 >Mr. Mina do Pintor 波兰企业求购人造革,寻中国生产商 公司名称: DARKNET SP.Z.O.O Tel/Fax: 48 34 3654876 >e-mail: <A href="mailto:marketing@darknet.com.pl marketing@darknet.com.pl >Attn: Marta Tolewska