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采购主题 Israel inquiry 
采购内容 标题: Israel inquiry询盘详细信息 We are looking at producing 65,000 flip flop sandals like the attached picture or something similar if you have it. They will not be imprinted and can be an assortment of colors. They want 32,500 in medium size and 32,500 in large size. I need a quote from you for these to be air shipped into LA and how quickly you could get them done. These will be for the hurricane victims and we need to get them out the people as quickly as possible. Please let me know right away! Thank you! > >Best regards, >gila > 公司名称 n.y.sourcing 国家/地区 Israel 街道地址 18 yehuda gur street 电话 972-04-8257335 传真 972-04-8244998 >Email <A href="mailto:nyp_it@netvision.net.il nyp_it@netvision.net.il 行业 Gifts &amp; Crafts