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[其他买家] 新西兰进口商 |
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标题: 新西兰进口商IMPRESSIONS LIGHTING LTD: Lighting Importers and Distributors 413 Anglesea St Hamilton Ph (07)839-9004 Fax (07)839-9010 email: <A href="mailto:sales@impressionslighting.co.nz sales@impressionslighting.co.nz>INTECH INSTRUMENTS AUCKLAND LTD Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors of Industrial Measurement & Control Equipment 3001 Great North Rd New Lynn PO Box 80 173 Green Bay Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 827 1930 Facsimile: +64 +9 827 1931 Email: <A href="mailto:aucksales@intech.co.nz aucksales@intech.co.nz Website: www.intech.co.nzINTERCHEM AGENCIES LTD: Importers of Chemical Raw Materials 7 Gladstone Rd Northcote Private Bag 34905 Birkenhead Auck Auck Ph (09)418-0097 Fax (09)418-4678 email: <A href="mailto:paul@interchem.co.nz paul@interchem.co.nz INTERFACENZ LTD: Commercial Flooring Importer 17/46 Ellice Rd Glenfield Box 100-354 NSMC Auckland Ph (09)441-9850 Fax (09)441-9851 email: <A href="mailto:enquiries@interfacenz.com enquiries@interfacenz.comINTERLINK FOODS LTD Importers, Wholesalers & Distributors PO Box 33 132 Takapuna Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 415 2500 Facsimile: +64 +9 415 2525 Email: <A href="mailto:info@interlinkfoods.co.nz info@interlinkfoods.co.nz Website: www.interlinkfoods.co.nz >INTERNATIONAL HOUSEWARES (NZ) LTD: Importers Unit H/150 Harris Rd East Tamaki PB 94300 Pakuranga Auck Ph (09)274-4592 Fax (09)274-0161 email: <A href="mailto:gary@swirl.co.nz gary@swirl.co.nzINTERNATIONAL TRADING: Importers of Giftware 15C Norman Spencer Dr Manukau City Box 58-138 Greenmount Auck Ph (09)278-9853 Fax (09)278-9311 email: <A href="mailto:int.tdg@xtra.co.nz int.tdg@xtra.co.nz >INVITA NZ LIMITED: Imp. & Dist. of Food Ingredients 117 Cryers Rd East Tamaki Box 58843 Greenmount Auck Ph (09)272-2092 Fax (09)272-2093 email: <A href="mailto:paul.grant@invita.co.nz paul.grant@invita.co.nz>IRRI-MAX LTD Importers and Manufacturers of Water & Effluent Irrigation Equipment 70 Dunlop Rd Onekawa PO Box 3118 Napier NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +6 842 2212 Freephone 0800 42 62 96 Facsimile: +64 +6 842 2213 Email: <A href="mailto:zeigfreid@clear.net.nz zeigfreid@clear.net.nzIRWIN INDUSTRIAL TOOL COMPANY LTD Manufacturers Representatives, Tool Importers & Distributors 158 Bush Rd Albany PO Box 100644 NSMC Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 415 2400 Facsimile: +64 +9 415 2401 Email: <A href="mailto:jinfo@irwintools.co.nz jinfo@irwintools.co.nz Website: www.irwintools.co.nzITW POLYMERS & FLUIDS Importers & Distributors of Lubricants, Chemicals, Compounds for the Engineering, Mining, Quarrying & Construction Industries 18-26 Amelia Earhart Ave Mangere PO Box 59 220 Mangere Bridge Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 256 2122 Facsimile: +64 +9 256 2124 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@itwpolymersandfluids.co.nz sales@itwpolymersandfluids.co.nz Website: www.itwpolymersandfluids.com.au IWAY COMPUTER (NZ) LIMITED: Computer Hardware Importer 390 Neilson St Penrose Box 82392 Highland Park Auck Ph (09)622-0099 Fax (09)636-6828 email: <A href="mailto:sales@iway.co.nz sales@iway.co.nz >JACK INTERNATIONAL FASTENERS LTD: Mnfr & Imp of all types of Screws & Fastenings 10a Stondon Drive East Tamaki Box 13269 Onehunga Auck Ph (09)634-3317 Fax (09)636-6752 email: <A href="mailto:merv@jif.co.nz merv@jif.co.nzJACK W & R LTD Importers & Distributors Woodworking Machinery. Woodworking Machinery Service & Spare Parts. 19 Allens Road East Tamaki PO Box 259174 Greenmount Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 271 7700 Facsimile: +64 +9 271 7728 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@jacks.co.nz sales@jacks.co.nz Website: www.jacks.co.nzJB SALES INTERNATIONAL LTD Manufacturers, Importers & Exporters of Excavator Attachments & Trenchless Technology Equipment 22 Stonedon Drive East Tamaki PO Box 51 200 Pakuranga Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 272 9870 Facsimile: +64 +9 272 9871 Email: <A href="mailto:jbsales@jbsales.co.nz jbsales@jbsales.co.nzJEPSON ERIC ENGINEERING CO LTD Diesel Engineers & Importers 97 Niven St Onekawa Napier PO Box 3051 Onekawa Napier NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +6 843 5978 Facsimile: +64 +6 843 6005 Email: <A href="mailto:jepson@paradise.net.nz jepson@paradise.net.nzKB IRRIGATION Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors of Irrigation Equipment and Fittings 135 Alford Forest Rd Ashburton PO Box 379 Ashburton NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +3 308 9419 Facsimile: +64 +3 308 8199 Email: <A href="mailto:kbirrigation@xtra.co.nz kbirrigation@xtra.co.nz Website: www.kbirrigation.co.nz>KB TOYS LTD: Toy Imp/Distributor 29 Canaveral Dr Albany Auck Ph (09)444-7142 Fax (09)444-6378 email: <A href="mailto:mike@kbtoys.co.nz mike@kbtoys.co.nz >KENDERDINE ELECTRICAL LTD Importers and Distributors of Theatrical Lighting Hire and Service 66 Cook Street Auckland City PO Box 12092 Penrose Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 302 4100 Facsimile: +64 +9 302-4102 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@kelpls.co.nz sales@kelpls.co.nz Website: www.kelpls.co.nzKEY IMPORTS & EXPORTS: Importer, Exporters & Dist. 5a Bassett Ave Penrose Box 90 868 Auck Ph (09)579-8950 Fax (09)579-8970 email: <A href="mailto:sales@keyimports.co.nz sales@keyimports.co.nz>KEYPORT LIMITED Importers and Suppliers of Medical & Resuscitation Equipment, Surgical Suites and Operating Tables, Surgical Lights and Equipment Pendants. Specialist Capital Equipment for Hospitals, Medical Centres , Day Surgical Centres, Rest Homes and Associated Institutions. 431 Te Rapa Road Te Rapa PO Box 466 Hamilton NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +7 849 3766 Mobiles: Alan Day 0274 939 046 Facsimile: +64 +7 849 3767 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@keyport.co.nz sales@keyport.co.nz>KIMPTON HOLDINGS: Lubricants Importer 13D Onslow Ave Box 23 405 Papatoetoe Auck Ph (09)278 7780 Fax (09)232-7699 email: <A href="mailto:omega.lubricants@xtra.co.nz omega.lubricants@xtra.co.nz KSL PACKAGING LIMITED Importers & Distributors of Packaging Machinery forn the Food & Beverage Industries. 10 Niall Burgess Road Mt Wellington PO Box 58 926 Greenmount Auckland NEW ZEALAND......................................... +64 +9 573 6073 Facsimile: +64 +9 573 6075 Email: <A href="mailto:sales@kslpackaging.co.nz sales@kslpackaging.co.nz Website: www.garvens.de