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采购主题 寻找三聚氰胺封边条-生产厂家 
采购内容 标题: 寻找三聚氰胺封边条-生产厂家三聚氰胺封边条-询盘不懂!!1我本来都是做PVC封边条的,现有一可以同时要PVC封边条 和三聚氰胺封边条.我对三聚氰胺封边条不是很了解,询盘也看不着懂.我想问一下:有谁是做三聚氰胺封边条这一块的,能够给我帮帮我.Is the Pre-glued rolls for any width and length can also be offereddepending on the customer's requirements? About 250 gr of hot melt>per m2 is used for pre-glued products in order to have a very strong>bonding of the edgebanding?其中Pre-glued rolls 是什么意思,能帮翻译一下这一段话的意思吗?谢谢了.你如果是生产三聚氰胺封边条,也可以加我,我还没有找到厂家.>我的MSN:zxlmama0000@hotmail.com