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第三部分 |
采购内容 |
标题: 第三部分City of Abilene Storm Water Services Administration P.O. Box 60 555 Walnut Abilene, Texas 79604-0060 Brent McClellan 676-6280 FAX 676-6460 Email: <A href="mailto:brent.mcclellan@abilenetx.com brent.mcclellan@abilenetx.com >Clear Fork Roofing, Inc.> 3080 East Hwy 80> Abilene, Texas 79601> Randy Pilgrim 672-5609 FAX 672-1179> Email: <A href="mailto:clearfork@abilene.com clearfork@abilene.comColdwell Banker Panian & Mash "Your New Home Team" 3274 South 27th Street Abilene, Texas 79605> Judy Charland 690-4000 FAX 690-4099 Email: <A href="mailto:judy.charland@coldwellbanker.com judy.charland@coldwellbanker.com >Concrete Homes of Abilene P.O. Box 3696 818 Walnut Street> Abilene, Texas 79604> Dirk Seay 676-5983 FAX 793-9363> Email: <A href="mailto:dirk@icf-texas.com dirk@icf-texas.com >>Consolidated Framers, Inc. 1201 Energy Drive> Abilene, Texas 79602> Marvin Barber 793-9000 FAX 793-9014>>Countrywide Home Loans> 4150 Southwest Drive #130 Abilene, Texas 79606 Sue Ball 795-1993 (x222) FAX 692-9504 > Email: <A href="mailto:sue_ball@countrywide.com sue_ball@countrywide.com Web: http://www.countrywide.com>Crown Carpet Distributors, Inc.> 370 Mesquite Street Abilene, Texas 79601> Dan Bolin 673-6716 FAX 673-0334> Email: <A href="mailto:crowncarpetinc@yahoo.com crowncarpetinc@yahoo.com Davis, Kinard & Company, P.C. 400 Pine Street #600> Abilene, Texas 79601 Terry Arrington 672-4000 FAX 672-7049 Email: <A href="mailto:tarrington@dkcpa.com tarrington@dkcpa.com Web: http://www.dkcpa.com>>Express Insurance, Inc. 786 South Leggett> Abilene, Texas 79605> Danny Stephenson 795-2890 (x202) FAX 795-2899 Email: <A href="mailto:dstephenson@nts-online.net dstephenson@nts-online.net>Ferguson Enterprises> 6715 E. Hwy 80> Odessa, Texas 79762 Megan Schoonveld 432-550-0515 FAX 432-362-8824> Email: <A href="mailto:megan.schoonveld@ferguson.com megan.schoonveld@ferguson.com>Fire Escape, The> 501 Hickory Abilene, Texas 79601> Allen Huskin 672-3473 FAX 672-5535 Email: <A href="mailto:jennifer@thefireescape.wtxcoxmail.com jennifer@thefireescape.wtxcoxmail.com>First Abilene Federal Credit Union 3324 Catclaw Drive Abilene, TX 79606 Sondra Clark 691-5105 (x15) FAX 690-1035 Email: <A href="mailto:sclark@firstabilenefcu.org sclark@firstabilenefcu.org>>First Financial Bank P.O. Box 6000> 4400 Buffalo Gap Road> Abilene, Texas 79608 Janet O'Dell 627-7621 FAX 627-7618 Email: <A href="mailto:jodell@ffin.com jodell@ffin.com Web: http://www.ffin.com >>First National Bank Baird P.O. Box 3757 1840 South First Street Abilene, Texas 79604> Scotty Lindley 670-0670 FAX 675-5020> Email: <A href="mailto:scottyl@fnbbaird.com scottyl@fnbbaird.com>Glenn, Randy Landscaping 2438 Industrial Blvd. PMB236 Abilene, Texas 79605 Randy Glenn 698-2031 FAX 691-5862Gutterman #6 Zachry Cove> Abilene, Texas 79606 Mark Worthington 665-4893 Email: <A href="mailto:gutterman1157@aol.com gutterman1157@aol.com>>Hall Air Conditioning> 145 Shelton> Abilene, Texas 79603> Kenneth Rich 672-2541 FAX 672-3022 Other 725-9777> Email: <A href="mailto:ken@hallac.clearwire.net ken@hallac.clearwire.netHarris Acoustics, Inc.> P.O. Box 5615 4266 South Treadaway Blvd.> Abilene, Texas 79608 Burl Harris 692-1347 FAX 692-1366 Email: <A href="mailto:bbolinger@harrisabilene.com bbolinger@harrisabilene.com>Higginbotham Bros & Co., LTD 308 Elm Street> Merkel, Texas 79536> Gary Penn 628-5812 FAX 928-4056 >Home Buyers Warranty 2-10 1417 West Arkansas Lane > Arlington, Texas 76013> Tiffany Acree 800-488-8844 FAX 817-543-3115 Other 817-726-6880> Email: <A href="mailto:tiacree@2-10.com tiacree@2-10.com>>Incounters> 4350 South Treadaway Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79602 Rob Young 439-1140 FAX 695-0216 Email: <A href="mailto:ryoung@incounters.net ryoung@incounters.net>>Ingram Enterprises L.P. P.O. Box 1477> 1801 N Danville Drive> Abilene, Texas 79604> Jim Dawley 677-2001 FAX 677-6861 Other 669-2120> Email: <A href="mailto:jdawley@ingramconcrete.com jdawley@ingramconcrete.com>Kelly-Moore Paint Company 3437 North First Street Abilene, Texas 79603> Phillip Hill 673-8174 FAX 673-2508 Web: http://www.kellymoore.com>>King Insulation P.O. Box 3858> Abilene, Texas 79608 Rodney King 665-4710>Lawn Tech> P.O. Box 6134> Abilene, Texas 79608 Dale Morrison 698-4179 FAX 698-4182 Other 668-5818 E-mail: <A href="mailto:dale@lawntech.ws dale@lawntech.ws> >Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse> 4134 Ridgemont Road > Abilene, Texas 79606> Mike Hosch 692-2727 (x818) FAX 692-6500 Other 660-8043>>Malone Insulation 4309 Flintrock Abilene, Texas 79606 Jim Malone 691-1379 Other 338-0008>McCoy's Building Supply Center> 550 North Clack Street Abilene, Texas 79603> Terry Davis 691-9155 FAX 695-2224> Email: <A href="mailto:store018@mccoys.com store018@mccoys.com>>Menke, Inc.> 3142 South 27th Street Abilene, Texas 79605 Russ Menke 673-5096 FAX 676-3716 Email: <A href="mailto:floors@menke-floorscapes.com floors@menke-floorscapes.com> Web: http://menke-floorscapes.com>Merrill Lynch> Two Village Drive #400 Abilene, Texas 79606 Pat Clark 691-4373 FAX 691-4317 Email: <A href="mailto:patrick_clark@ml.com patrick_clark@ml.com>>Miller Appraisal Service> 2065 Highland Ave.> Abilene, Texas 79605> Dina Griffin 692-4031 FAX 692-7945 Other 668-5496> Email: <A href="mailto:millerappraisal@sbcglobal.net millerappraisal@sbcglobal.net Web: http://www.millerappraisalassociates.com >Morrison Supply Company P.O. Box 2200 > 242 South Treadaway Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79604 Zane Wright 677-8174 FAX 676-2505> Email: <A href="mailto:ssmith@morsco.com ssmith@morsco.com>Mueller, Inc. 1913 Hutchings Ave. Ballinger, Texas 76821> Bill Brown 325-365-8137 FAX 325-365-8506 Email: <A href="mailto:bill.brown@muellerinc.com bill.brown@muellerinc.com> Web: http://www.muellerinc.comMurphy's Floor Store> Industrial Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79602> Pat Murphy 692-9934 FAX 691-5377 Other 668-7006 Email: <A href="mailto:psmurf_2000@yahoo.com psmurf_2000@yahoo.com>Nexstar Broadcasting KRBC/KTAB TV 4510 South 14th Street Abilene, Texas 79605 Regina Davis 665-3262 FAX 698-4111> Email: <A href="mailto:rdavis@krbc.tv rdavis@krbc.tvNolen, Tom Appraisals 4717 Don Juan> Abilene, Texas 79605 Tom Nolen 691-5090 FAX 692-0680 Email: <A href="mailto:tomnolen@cox.net tomnolen@cox.net >Overhead Door Co of Abilene, Inc.> 4201 Sayles Blvd.> Abilene, Texas 79605> Delores Elliott 695-2070 FAX 695-2061> Email: <A href="mailto:ohdabilene@wtxcoxmail.com ohdabilene@wtxcoxmail.comPest Patrol> P.O. Box 3516 Abilene, Texas 79604> Weldon Hurt 690-9245 FAX 690-6609> Email: <A href="mailto:debhurt@camalott.com debhurt@camalott.com Web: http://www.westtexaspestpatrol.com>>Polysteel of Abilene, Inc. P.O. Box 6171> Abilene, Texas 79608 Dale Burson 672-1182> Email: <A href="mailto:dburson@polysteelofabilene.com dburson@polysteelofabilene.com >PrimeWest Mortgage Corporation> 3329 Turner Drive #E100-S> Abilene, Texas 79606Quality Marble Company> 2561 South Treadaway Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79602> Rodney Briscoe 698-7748 FAX 698-7752 Other 721-9555 Email: <A href="mailto:qualitymarble@clearwire.net qualitymarble@clearwire.net>Rick's Plumbing> 4825 Hill Street> Abilene, Texas 79602 Rick Kelley 695-3231 FAX 695-4125 Other 668-5298>Sanders, Risha State Farm Insurance 3228 North 10th Street> Abilene, Texas 79603 Risha Sanders 673-4229 FAX 675-6565 Email: <A href="mailto:risha.sanders.nv0v@statefarm.com risha.sanders.nv0v@statefarm.com> Web: http://www.rishasanders.comSecurity Title Company> 4400 Buffalo Gap Road #1100> Abilene, Texas 79606 Gerald Johnson 695-1144 FAX 695-1152> Email: <A href="mailto:stcglj@camalott.com stcglj@camalott.comSenter Realtors> P.O. Box 6868 3401 Curry Lane Abilene, Texas 79606> Steve Stovall 695-8000 FAX 695-8999> Email: <A href="mailto:steve@senterrealtors.com steve@senterrealtors.com> Web: http://www.senterrealtors.comShahan & Erwin, LLP> P.O. Box 6146 Two Village Drive Suite #101> Abilene, Texas 79608> Chuck Erwin 692-2292 FAX 692-6730 > Email: <A href="mailto:sha-erw@swbell.net sha-erw@swbell.net>Sherwin-Williams Company 2266 Industrial Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79602> Pam Acker 795-2187 FAX 795-2194>>Shutters by J C/Personal Touch Interior Design 2230 Industrial Blvd. Abilene, Texas 79602> Jimmy Culbert 695-1616 FAX 695-1616 Email: <A href="mailto:pertouch@camalott.com pertouch@camalott.com>>Sign Pro 2541 South Treadaway Blvd.> Abilene, Texas 79602 Janelle Dry 698-7446 FAX 698-8785> Email: <A href="mailto:signs@signproabilene.com signs@signproabilene.com Web: http://www.signproabilene.com>>SMC Technologies 261 Trail Creek Drive Abilene, Texas 79602 Scott McMillan 673-1750 E-FAX 707-982-2793 Email: <A href="mailto:scott@smcsecurity.com scott@smcsecurity.com> Web: http://www.smcsecurity.com>Southwest Air Conditioning & Heating> 8225 Buffalo Gap Road Abilene, Texas 79606 Jerry Horton 698-9200 FAX 698-9201 Other 669-2273> Email: <A href="mailto:jerryhorton@southwestac.com jerryhorton@southwestac.com>Southwest Pools & Spas 8225 Buffalo Gap Road> Abilene, Texas 79606> Frank Perez 698-3054 FAX 698-9201 Email: <A href="mailto:pools@southwestpools.com pools@southwestpools.com >Suddenlink-West Texas> 8220 Orlando Lubbock, Texas 79423 Freida Henderson 806-771-6239 Other 806-548-2837 FAX 806-771-6099> Email: <A href="mailto:freida.henderson@suddenlink.com freida.henderson@suddenlink.com >Supreme Security Service 1290 South Willis #201 Abilene, Texas 79605> Ron Pullen 795-8481 FAX 795-8487>Taylor Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 250 1610 North First Street Merkel, Texas 79536 James McKee 793-8500 FAX 793-8520 Other 669-8626 > Email: <A href="mailto:jmckee@taylorelectric.com jmckee@taylorelectric.com Web site: http://www.taylorelectric.com>>Terminix> 209 South Danville Drive #C100> Abilene, Texas 79605 Harlan Friedrichs 673-9195 FAX 670-0553 Email: <A href="mailto:hfriedrichs@terminix.com hfriedrichs@terminix.com