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标题: 欧洲+Email(7)SLOVAKIA>Jan Ilavsky Director >Forest Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture Masarykova str. 22 96092 Zvolen >Tel: +421 855 533 5716 >Fax: +421 855 532 1883 Email: <A href="mailto:ilavsky@fris.sk ilavsky@fris.sk >>Lubomír Micek Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to FAO >Embassy of the Slovak Republic >Via dei Colli della Farnesina, 144 >00194 Roma >Tel: +39 06 367 151/2 Fax: +39 06 367 15266 >SLOVENIA Maksimilian Mohoric State Secretary for Forestry >Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Dunajska 56 >58 Ljubljana >Tel.: +386 61 1789144 >Fax: +386 61 1789144 E-mail: <A href="mailto:MAKSIMILIAN.MOHORIC@gov.si MAKSIMILIAN.MOHORIC@gov.si Danilo Beloglavec >Minister Plenipotentiary to FAO Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to FAO >Via della Traspontina, 10 >00193 Rome Tel: +39 06 5091 4376 >Fax: +39 06 5235 5112 Email: <A href="mailto:dbeloglavec@get.net.it dbeloglavec@get.net.it Jurij Begu_ Head of Department Forest Service >Vecna Pot 2 1001 Ljubljana >Tel.: +386 61 1345432 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:jurij.baguis@gou.si jurij.baguis@gou.si SPAIN>José María Solano >Jefe, Servicio Ordenación Selvicultura Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Gran Vía de San Francisco, 4 28005 Madrid Tel: +34 91 597 5600 >Fax: +34 91 597 5565 >Email: <A href="mailto:josemaria.solano@ctv.es josemaria.solano@ctv.es >>>Javier Piernavieja Niembro Representante Permanente Adjunto Oficina del Representante Permanente de Espańa ante la FAO Largo dei Lombardi, 21 >00186 Roma >Tel: +39 06 686 9539 Fax: +39 06 687 3076 >Email: <A href="mailto:repfaoes.agri@iol.it repfaoes.agri@iol.it