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标题: 欧洲+EmailALBANIAGenti Kromidha >Directorate General of Forests and Pastures >Ministry of Agriculture and Food Rruga "Sami Frasheri" No. 4 >Tirana Tel: +355 4256795 Fax: +355 4256785 >Email: <A href="mailto:znprifti@albaniaonline.net znprifti@albaniaonline.net AUSTRIAIngwald Gschwandtl Director Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Marxergasse 2 >A-1030 Wien >Tel: +43 1 71100 7305 >Fax: +43 1 71100 7399 >Email: <A href="mailto:ingwald.gschwandtl@bmlf.gv.at ingwald.gschwandtl@bmlf.gv.at >Martin H?barth >Standing Committee of the President of the Austrian Chambers of Agriculture >L?welstrasse 12 >A-1014 Wien >Tel: +43 1 53441 8592 >Fax: +43 1 53441 8529 >Email: <A href="mailto:m.hoebarth@pklwk.at m.hoebarth@pklwk.at >>Christian Rebernig Member of the Board >Association of the Wood Industries of Austria >Schwarzenbergplatz 4 A-1030 Wien >Tel.: +43 1 7122601 >Fax.: +43 1 712 2601-19 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:rebernig@sacge.at rebernig@sacge.at >BELARUS>>Mikhail Kuzmenkov >Chief >Department of the Ministry of Forestry Minsk Tel.: +375 172 244705 >Fax.: +375 172 244183 BELGIUMCarl De Schepper Forest Engineer >Ministry of the Flemish Community >Flemish Forest Service >Koning Albert II - Laan 20 bus 8 B-1000 Brussels Tel. +32 2 553 8122 Fax: +32 2 553 8105 Email: <A href="mailto:carl.deschepper@lin.vlaanderen.be carl.deschepper@lin.vlaanderen.be >>Guillaume Daelmans >Secrétaire général Fédération belge Commerce Importation du Bois Galerie du Centre, Bloc 1 >rue des Fripiers, 15/17 B-1000 Bruxelles Tel: +32 2 219 4373 >Fax: +32 2 229 3967 Email: <A href="mailto:info@Boisimport.be info@Boisimport.be BULGARIA>Krassimir Kostov >Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to FAO >Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to FAO >Via Pietro Paolo Rubens, 21 >00197 Roma Tel: +39 06 322 4643 >Fax: +39 06 322 6122 Email: <A href="mailto:kikostov@yahoo.com kikostov@yahoo.com CANADA>>Jeffrey Serveau Senior Industry Officer Industry Canada >235 Queen St. >Ottawa, Ontario K1A0H5 Tel: +1 613 954 3039 >Fax: +1 613 952 8988 Email: <A href="mailto:serveau.jeff@ic.gc.ca serveau.jeff@ic.gc.ca Marc Boutin Director, Quebec Wood Export Bureau >979 avenue de Bourgogne >Ste Foy, Quebec >Tel. +1 418 6506385 >Fax.: +1 418 6509011 >E-mail: <A href="mailto:mboutin@quebecwoodexport.com mboutin@quebecwoodexport.com >>Patrick Hum Economist Industry Canada 235 Queen St. Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H5 Tel: +1 613 954 3048 Fax: +1 613 952 8988 >Email: <A href="mailto:hum.patrick@ic.gc.ca hum.patrick@ic.gc.ca >>William Townsley >B.C. Shake and Shingle Association >Chilcotin, Oak Grange Rd. West Clandon, Surrey, B.C. Tel: +1 483 222596 Fax: +1 483 222596 >CYPRUS>>Savvas Theophanous >Director, Department of Forests >Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment 1414 Nicosia Tel: +357 2 303861 >Fax: +357 2 781419 Email: <A href="mailto:fdeu@cytanet.com.cy fdeu@cytanet.com.cy >Andreas Roushias Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus to FAO >Piazza Farnese 44 00186 Rome Tel: +39 06 6865758/6865263 Fax: +39 06 68803756 >Email: <A href="mailto:faoprcyp@tin.it faoprcyp@tin.it >CZECH REPUBLIC>>Pavel Rybnícek >Vice-Minister for Forest Management >Ministry of Agriculture >Te?nov 17 >117 05 Prague 1 Tel: +42 2 2320106 >Fax: +42 2 2312706 E-mail: <A href="mailto:RYBNICEK@MZE.CZ RYBNICEK@MZE.CZ >Pavel _koda Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO >Embassy of the Czech Republic Via dei Gracchi, 322 >00192 Roma Tel: +39 06 324 4459 >Fax: +39 06 324 4466