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标题: 最新求购!<FONT face="宋体 外商求购金属制品:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >1/Investment castings(steel & other alloys) >2/Sand casting >3/Aluminum Extrusions >4/Household foil(for food preparation) >>>>>><FONT face="宋体 公司:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Topping Metal Sales 联系人:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Wayne Topping >电话:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 281-240-1085, 713-410-4243 >传真:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 281-240-1090 电子信箱:>>>>>><A href="mailto:wtopping@cs.com <FONT face="宋体 wtopping@cs.com>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 --------------------------PAK SAZINEH CO. >>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 客户求购丝线>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 E-MAIL:azizi@paksazineh.com TEL:0098-21-3929141 FAX:0098-21-3117280 >MR.REZA >--------------------------埃及一公司求购不锈钢丝网布筛和过滤器、纺织用陶瓷导纱器,感兴趣的企业请联系: >>>>>><FONT face="宋体 公司名称:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Al Lotus Import & Export 联系人:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Salwa Sobh 传真:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 0020-2-2918591 > 手机:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 002-010-5678862 >>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Email:marwahussein@hotmail.com > >>>>>><A href="mailto:emo1323@hotmail.com <FONT face="宋体 emo1323@hotmail.com>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >------------------------------->>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 德国DANIEL DOJAN E.K. ROHSTOFFE & TECHNIK公司寻购中国产不锈钢钢丝布,要求符合DIN ISO 4783标准,卷筒宽度为1米或1.3米。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 0.063 1000 48 >0.125 1000 200 >0.160 1300 150 0.200 1000 1060 0.200 1300 800 >0.315 1000 1100 >0.355 1000 100 0.500 1000 200 <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none 0.630 1000 300 对钢丝的直径(粗细)没有要求,厂家可以自行选择合适的变量。>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 德方联系方式:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >Daniel Dojan e.K. >Rohstoffe & Technik 地址:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Langewand 40 32278 Kirchlengern, Germany 联系人:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Mr. Daniel Dojan Tel<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/sad.gif" border=0 smilieid="2 0049)5223 762213 Fax<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/sad.gif" border=0 smilieid="2 0049)5223 762233 >----------------------------------------------------------------保加利亚BULPLAST Ltd.贸易公司(成立10年,20人)欲从中国购买下列商品,有意者请与其直接联系:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >1. Ball valves. >2. Aluminium radiators. 3. Radiator valves. >4. Water-metters. 5. PEX/AL/PEX pipe; fittings and adaptors for PEX/AL/PEX pipe. >6. Fittings for PE pipe. >7. Manifolds. 8. Panel Steel radiators. 9. Heating units. >联系人:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Mr. Martin Stefanov/technical assistant >tel.+359 52 303607 fax: +359 52 306009 BULPLAST Ltd. P.O.Box 278 Studentska 4 Str. >Varna 9010 Bulgaria -------------------------------------------------------------------------埃及一公司求购>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 : >1) 铁合金(Fe-Si,Fe-S,Fe-Si-Mg, etc.)>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >2) 铜、铝、镀锌钢材>>>>>>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 公司名称:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 AL-AMAL TECHN. CONSULTATIONS 联系人:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Kamal Hegazi 电话:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 0020-2-6202897 传真:>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 0020-2-6234860 >E-Mail:>>>>>><A href="mailto:alamalk@link.net <FONT face="宋体 alamalk@link.net>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 <SPAN style="DISPLAY: none <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border=0 smilieid="7 -E(~!O5]+X--------------------------------------------------------->>>>>><FONT face="宋体 叙商求购角钢和钢板>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 COMPANY NAME: ELTEL MIDDLE EAST TEL: 011/44694450 FAX: 011/44694459 <FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 0px; COLOR: #f8f8f8 福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum)*J$a,m/Q8h6@ I>MOBILE: 093/565050 >E-MAIL: >>>>>><A href="mailto:SHADINEMEH76@HOTMAIL.COM <FONT face="宋体 SHADINEMEH76@HOTMAIL.COM>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >HTTP: >>>>>><FONT face="宋体 WWW.ELTELNETWORKS.COM>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 CONTACT: SHADI NEMEH >INTEREST: CARBON STEEL (ANGLES+ PLATE) FOR LATTICE TOWERS.>------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 哥伦比亚求购医用手套、注射器和导管>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 求购物品:医用乳胶手套和外科手术手套,注射器,导管或导液管>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 (Catheter) >公司>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 : World Trading Colombia Ltda. 联系人>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 : Ms. Juliana Uribe Guzman >电话>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 : 00571-6353814 >传真>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 : 00571-6353803 >E-mail: >>>>>><A href="mailto:juribe@worldtradingcol.com <FONT face="宋体 juribe@worldtradingcol.com>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >-------------------------------------------->>>>>><FONT face="宋体 巴基斯坦商人求购>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >1、X-Ray& Ultrasoud Machine 医用X光机和B超扫描仪>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >Mr. Muhammad Irfan Rana >Chief Executive >Grrosia Electro Medical Tel: +92-42-7415516 Email: >>>>>><A href="mailto:ghosialhr@hotmail.com <FONT face="宋体 ghosialhr@hotmail.com>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >Sales & Services: Electromedical Equipment >Address: 48-Shamnagar, Chouburji, Lahore-54000 Pakistan >>>>>>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >(1) Blench Paper & Card (2) Filter Paper (3) News Print (4) Art Card & Paper >(5) Press Pan Paper >Mr. Mian Shahzad ahmad Mian Trade IMPEX Email: >>>>>><A href="mailto:info@miantrade.com <FONT face="宋体 info@miantrade.com>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >Address: O/S Shah Alam, Circular Road, Lahore-Pakistan >Tel: +92-42-7633664/ 7667835 Fax: +92-42-7650216 >>>>>>>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Requirement of Kashmira Goat & Other Goat & sheep Breeds as well as Technical Expertise Mr. Altaf M. Chaudhry >Chief Executive >Altaf & Co., >93-B-1,M.M. ALAM Road, Gulberg-III, Lahore-54660 Pakistan Tel: +92-42-5763411 /4 (4 lines) Fax: +92-42-5764412 Email: >>>>>><A href="mailto:chaltaf@wol.net.pk <FONT face="宋体 chaltaf@wol.net.pk>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 >>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 4. Laboratory Instrument / Chemicals & Consumables (Glassware \Instruments\Respiratory Safely Products, Automatic Air Purifiers & Aerosols) >医用化验室设备/药品及消耗品>>>>>><FONT face="宋体 Mr. Khawar Aziz >Managing Director >MOBBY >Address: 21-Bhim Street, Anarkali, Lahore-54000 Pakistan Tel: +92-42-7323867-6366607-7323806 Mobil: 92-303-7590778 Fax: +92-42-7323867 Email: >>>>>><A href="mailto:mbc_labworld@yahoo.com <FONT face="宋体 mbc_labworld@yahoo.com>>>>>><SPAN style="DISPLAY: none &a w D/a/W<FONT face="Times New Roman >>>>>>