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[其他买家] 福步有爱(2)——继续分享给朋友们 |
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标题: 福步有爱(2)——继续分享给朋友们因为上个《福步有爱——分享个客户给刚做外贸的朋友》帖子在短短5天内点击率已经超过2300,留言版也满了,无法跟朋友们继续交流。我看大家反响不错,也非常捧兄弟的场,所以为了方便大家继续留言和一些新朋友发送新请求,我决定再开一个新帖供大家使用和分享客户,希望大家还能一如既往的支持我!谢谢大家!<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none ;[下面奉上一家美国纺织类地毯买家,地毯类的朋友先拿去看看,如果有进一步要求请留言给我或联系我QQ!(注:工作时间周一至周五)<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/lol.gif" border=0 smilieid="12 ,周末给自己留下一点放松空间,不谈工作,望大家见谅!>Bokara Rug公司介绍:>For over three decades, Bokara have been producing high-quality Handmade Rugs. In our 60,000-sq.ft Showrooms & Warehouse in New Jersey we have an ever evolving & changing stock, including Oversized and Antique pieces. Fully computerized our updated systems are geared to delivering a prompt response to any request with the word SERVICE always uppermost in our minds.>>Bokara Rug Company was founded 35 years ago by Jan Soleimani.Originally a dealer of exclusive antique and rare rugs, he keenly felt the growing demand for high-quality rugs that could be made available to a much larger audience. "I love the old rugs," Soleimani says, "and my roots in those eras drives the quality of my inventory today." Bokara is dedicated to producing the finest-quality rugs. We are rooted in the past, but geared to meet today's needs. Our goal is to provide elegance and excellence--one room at a time.>Address:> Warehouse Showroom44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, 42 Route 17 North, Paramus, >New Jersey 07094-2406, New Jersey 07652-2730, USA. >>Tel:201 601 0040 201 556 1200>Fax:>201 601 0055 201 556 1202>E-mail:<A href="mailto:sales@bokara.com sales@bokara.com <A href="mailto:gallery17@bokara.com gallery17@bokara.com>该外商参加过广交会,但是留的联系人信息是英国的,大概是英国办事处,我下面发下展会上留的联系方式。>Contact Person:Jan SolemaniTel:001 212-532-0787Fax:001 212-889-0373Web:www.bokara.com>>酒店地毯之类产品,希望相关行业的朋友可以把握住!<IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/victory.gif" border=0 smilieid="14